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词汇 mosquitoes
例句 Myriads of mosquitoes from the swamp invaded our village every twilight.每天黄昏无数蚊虫从沼泽地飞来侵袭我们的村子。The air was thick with mosquitoes.空中满是蚊子。The animals are tormented mercilessly by flies and mosquitoes.动物受到苍蝇和蚊子的无情折磨。Malaria, spread by mosquitoes, is one of the biggest public health problems in Africa.由蚊子传播的疟疾是非洲最大的公共卫生问题之一。Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.疟疾是由蚊子传播的。We were all badly bitten by mosquitoes.我们都被蚊子咬惨了。The mosquitoes are really biting this evening!今儿晚上蚊子叮得好凶! I had tramped many miles and been eaten alive by mosquitoes.我已经跋涉了很多英里,被蚊子叮得体无完肤。I'd been bitten by mosquitoes in the night.夜里我被蚊子咬了。The mosquitoes were thick near the lake.湖边密密麻麻的都是蚊子。The mosquitoes drive me to distraction.蚊子搞得我心烦意乱。Outdoors, mosquitoes and midges were a perpetual torment.在户外,蚊子和蠓虫永远让人不得安生。The mosquitoes are biting tonight.今晚蚊子老是叮人。Peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes.宁静的夏夜可能会被蚊子破坏掉。This disease is carried by mosquitoes.这种疾病是蚊虫传染的。I got bitten by mosquitoes.我被蚊子叮了。Stay indoors when mosquitoes are out.蚊子出来的时候要待在室内。Leeches and mosquitoes are bloodsuckers.蚂蟥和蚊子都是吸血生物。Gnats and mosquitoes infested the field by the river.小昆虫和蚊子群集于河边的田野里。One of the greatest annoyances was being bitten by mosquitoes every night.最让人不堪其扰的是,每天晚上都要挨蚊子叮咬。The mosquitoes were eating us alive. 蚊子老是叮咬我们。In summer many people are persecuted by mosquitoes.夏天,许多人受到蚊子的骚扰。He told a ridiculous fish story about a swarm of giant mosquitoes.他讲了个关于一群巨型蚊子的荒诞不经的故事。Malaria is particularly common near swamps where mosquitoes can breed.疟疾在繁殖蚊子的湿地附近尤为普遍。Malaria is a disease carried by mosquitoes.疟疾是一种由蚊子传播的疾病。The mosquitoes were a constant torment.那些蚊子让人片刻不得安生。Clouds of malarial mosquitoes rise from the swampy banks of the river Euphrates.一片片黑压压的疟蚊从幼发拉底河两岸的沼泽地升起。Outside, mosquitoes and midges were a perpetual torment.在户外,蚊子和蠓虫永远让人不得安生。Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes.窗户上装了纱窗以防蚊子。I don't know why everybody makes such a fuss about a few mosquitoes.我不知道为什么大家对几只蚊子大惊小怪的。Use plenty of insect spray/repellent to keep the mosquitoes from biting you.使用大量杀虫剂/驱虫剂以免被蚊子叮咬。The baby was badly bitten by mosquitoes.这婴儿被蚊子叮得很厉害。The virus is transferred by mosquitoes.这种病毒是由蚊子传播的。The smoke also drove mosquitoes away.烟还把蚊子熏走了。Don't forget insect repellent to ward off the mosquitoes.别忘了带上防蚊子的驱虫剂。All doors and windows were sealed for the extermination of mosquitoes.为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。She closed the screen door to keep out the mosquitoes.她关上纱门防止蚊子飞进去。Window screens are effective in keeping out mosquitoes.纱窗能有效地挡住蚊子。Windows were screened to keep out mosquitoes and flies.给窗子装上了纱窗以防蚊蝇。Use plenty of bug spray/repellent to keep the mosquitoes from biting you.多喷一些驱虫剂,以防蚊虫叮咬。




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