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词汇 run into
例句 They have run into trouble while designing the new machine.在设计新机器时他们遇到了麻烦。The cost of repairing the damage could run into millions.所受损坏的修缮费用可能要几百万元。The plan has run into serious difficulties.计划陷入了严重的困境。I let the water run into it and we watched as it foamed and bubbled.我把水引进去,然后我们看着它起沫、冒泡。The corporation has run into serious financial problems.这家公司遇到了严重的经济困难。The current talks between the two countries have run into obstacles.两国间正在进行的谈判遇到了障碍。Watch he doesn't run into the road.留心别让他跑到马路上去。The repairs will probably run into thousands of dollars.维修费可能会达数千美元之多。He probably knew he was marked to run into trouble for profiteering.他或许知道他牟取暴利肯定要受到惩罚。Fortunately she had the presence of mind to run into the street.幸好她头脑还清醒,知道跑到大街上去。Flood damages could run into millions.洪灾损失可能高达几百万。Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term.就长期而言,对这些国家的援助肯定会高达几十亿美元。If the deer catches winds of us, he'll run into the woods.鹿一闻到我们的气味就会跑进树林。The number of miners killed in the accident runs into dozens.在这次事故中矿工死了好几十人。The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.飞行员向指挥塔台汇报说自己遇到了技术故障。These two rivers run into each other.这两条河是互相沟通的。Detectives have run into a conspiracy of silence in the tight-knit communities of the peninsula.侦探们发现这个半岛上关系密切的各群体达成了保持缄默的协定。These little lakes all run into one another.这些小湖泊是相连的。All the rainwater on the roof runs into the pipe.屋顶上的雨水都流入管道中。All decisions must be approved by the committee, and this is where the company runs into bottlenecks.公司所有决定必须经过委员会批准,这就成了制约其发展的瓶颈。I hope that the climbers don't run into a snowstorm halfway up.我希望登山运动员上山时不要在半山遇到暴风雪。Who should I meet in New York but Max of all people! = Of all the people in New York, who should I run into but Max! 真想不到我居然会在纽约碰到马克斯!The river runs into the gulf.这条河流入海湾。He lofted a home run into the stands.他朝看台打出了一记又高又远的本垒打。Our staff will be happy to answer your questions should you run into difficulties installing the equipment yourself.如果您自己安装该设备时遇到困难,我们的员工会很乐意回答您的问题。If I run into anything that might interest you, I'll send it your way.如果我碰上你可能感兴趣的东西,我就给你寄过去。But the government's plans have run into strong opposition from civil rights campaigners.但是政府的计划意外遭到了民权运动人士的强烈反对。We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble.我们不打算给那些陷入困境的公司开空白支票。Under any of these scenarios, the company will run into debt.这些情况出现任何一种时,公司都将负债。The boat had run into a storm almost immediately after leaving harbour.船几乎是刚一离港就遇到了风暴。I hope we don't run into any problems.我希望我们不会碰到任何难题。I chanced to run into an old classmate this morning.今天早上我偶然碰到了一位老同学。My first act was to run into the bedroom.我做的第一件事便是跑进卧室。The price tag for a year's supply would run into billions.一年供应的费用可达几十亿之巨。If you run into the boss, put in a good word for me!如果你遇见老板,请为我美言几句!




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