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词汇 run for
例句 The lease runs for two more years.租约有效期还有两年。The fact that Brown has decided to run for reelection comes as no great surprise.人们对布朗决定竞选连任并没有大感意外。The roof started to fall down and they started to run for it.屋顶眼看要塌下来,他们赶紧逃命。The road has become a rat run for traffic avoiding the town centre.这条路已经成了车辆避开市中心走的捷径。A new phone company is giving the others a run for their money.一家新电话公司给其他公司造成了强大的竞争压力。I've been hearing talk that she plans to run for president.我一直听到有传闻说她打算竞选总统。I let the engine run for a minute and then shut it off.我把引擎开了一分钟,然后把它关了。It's common knowledge that she plans to run for mayor.众所周知,她准备竞选市长。Cody, get out, run for it.科迪,出去,撒腿快跑。She proclaimed that she will run for governor.她宣布将竞选州长。As soon as the guard turns around, we'll make a run for it.警卫一转身,我们就拼命逃跑。She made an unsuccessful run for a seat in the Senate. 她试图竞选参议员,但是落选了。Sources say that the governor has set the wheels in motion for a run for the presidency. 消息人士称州长已经开始筹备总统竞选之事了。He decided to run for a seat on the school committee only a year after his reception into the community.他被纳入这个社区仅一年,就决定在校董会竞选一个职位。The school has organized a two-mile fun run for charity.学校组织了一次两英里的慈善募捐长跑活动。A helicopter hovered overhead as one of the gang made a run for it.当其中一个匪徒逃跑的时候,一架直升机在空中盘旋。I somehow got it into my head to run for public office.我突发奇想要去竞选公职。This is just a dummy run for next year.这只是为来年进行的一次试演。Many people have questioned her motivations in choosing to run for office at this time.很多人质疑她此时选择竞选的动机。After observing politics from a distance for years, I've decided to run for office.我远观政治数年,现已决定竞选公职。The Senator has decided to run for president, and made his intentions known in a public statement Tuesday.该参议员决定参加总统竞选,并在星期二的一份公开声明中表明了这一意图。She's been floating trial balloons about a possible run for Congress.她一直在发表有可能参与国会竞选的试探性言论。She dropped a bombshell when she said she wouldn't run for reelection.她公布了一则令人震惊的消息,说她不会参加连任竞选。It never even entered my head to run for office. 我从未想过要竞选公职。In a sudden reversal, the mayor has decided not to run for reelection.情况突然逆转,市长决定不参加连任竞选了。Mr Brown did not want to run for governor of the state last year.布朗先生去年不想竞选州长。The play has run for six months.这部戏剧已经上演了六个月。We're going to give the other candidate a run for her money.我们不会让另外的那个候选人轻易获胜的。He is qualified to run for president.他有资格竞选总统。He was on the run for a week before the police got him.他逃跑一周后警方才逮住他。No one raised an eyebrow when he announced that he was planning to run for governor.当他宣布打算竞选州长时,没人感到意外。The senator has announced his intention to run for the presidency.这位参议员宣布了自己竞选总统的打算。Somebody's coming. Quick, run for it.有人来了,快跑。Political insiders say that she is planning to run for president.政坛内部人士说她正计划竞选总统。The competition is planned as a dry run for the World Cup finals.这场比赛计划作为世界杯决赛的一次演练。The exhibition will run for an extra week, due to popular demand.应公众的要求,这次展览将延长一周。The turning point in her political career came when she was chosen to run for a Senate seat.她被推选参加竞选参议院议员,这成为她政治生涯的转折点。Well, we didn't win, but at least we gave the champions a good run for their money.好吧,我们没有赢,但我们的水平也比冠军差不了多少了。Maddie made a run for the exit.马迪朝出口跑去。They've given some of the top teams a run for their money this season.这个赛季他们让一些顶级球队打得很艰难。




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