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例句 Such systems are becoming more and more common in academia.这些体制在学术界变得越来越平常了。Demands for his resignation have become more and more strident.要求他辞职的呼声越来越强烈。The country looks more and more like a police state.这个国家看上去越来越像个警察国家。The storm grew more and more ferocious with each second.风暴每一秒钟都在加剧。The play gets more and more exciting in the last few scenes.这出戏的最后几场越来越紧张。 Petrol is becoming more and more expensive.汽油越来越贵了。His demands were becoming more and more unreasonable.他的要求变得越来越过分。The North-South divide is becoming more and more pronounced.南北差异变得越来越明显。As he aged he grew more and more bitter.年龄越大,他越痛苦。The weakness of his regime is showing more and more.其政权不稳逐渐显现出来。Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older.随着年龄增长,学习变得越来越难。Video was being used more and more.录像的使用越来越多。Sound was becoming more and more distorted through the use of hearing aids.使用助听器会使声音变得越来越失真。He is becoming more and more yuppified.他变得越来越雅皮士化了。Natural science divagated more and more from metaphysics.自然科学跟形而上学愈来愈分道扬镳了。The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.我家院子里那层落叶越来越厚了。It is getting more and more difficult to find a job.找工作越来越难了。I began getting more and more enraged at my father.我开始变得越来越生父亲的气了。The boat was becoming more and more sluggish.小船行驶的速度越来越慢。I grew more and more certain that she was lying to me.我越来越确信她在对我撒谎。Children are becoming more and more brand-aware because of advertising.因为广告的存在,孩子们现在对哪些公司有哪些产品都越来越清楚。Computer really hypnotizes everybody,there are more and more netters now.计算机确实令每一个人着迷,现在的网民越来越多了。People nowadays are becoming more and more concerned about the quality of the air they breathe.人们现在愈来愈关心他们呼吸的空气的质量。The park is becoming more and more beautiful.公园越来越美了。Her behaviour was becoming more and more erratic.她的行为变得越来越反复无常。!People expect more and more from their computers.人们对计算机的功能要求越来越多。With its largely unspoiled natural beauty, Vietnam is rapidly becoming a destination for more and more foreign visitors.越南有很多未被破坏的自然美景,很快就成了越来越多外国游客的目的地。He got more and more nervous as the day of his departure neared.随着自己出发的日子一天天临近,他变得越来越紧张。The company opened more and more stores, taking away, or cannibalizing, business from its older stores.这家公司开的商店越来越多,结果新店抢走或者说是吞掉了老店的生意。This conversation is getting more and more unreal.这场谈话越来越离谱。For years we've been brainwashed by advertising into buying more and more things that we don't need.多年来我们受到广告宣传的洗脑,因而购买了越来越多不需要的东西。They poured more and more milk into the jug until it was absolutely full to the brim.他们往罐子里倒的牛奶越来越多,一直到彻底灌满为止。Nowadays we have to compete more and more with foreign companies.如今,我们必须与外国公司展开越来越广泛的竞争。I'm getting more and more ornery in my old age.年纪大了我脾气变得越来越坏。The neighbourhood is going down — it's getting more and more of a slum.这个街区在衰败下去,变得越来越像个贫民窟了。As the minutes ticked away, she became more and more irritated.随著时间一分一分地过去,她变得更加不耐烦。It became more and more obvious that the boy was using drugs.情况越来越明显,那男孩在吸毒。He felt more and more like a fifth wheel at the office.他感觉自己在办公室里越来越像个多余的人。We were becoming more and more puzzled by the minute.时间每过一分钟,我们的困惑就增加一分。My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by.随着时间的流逝,我的祖母变得日益伤感和虚弱。




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