例句 |
The grammar guide falls between two stools - it's too difficult for a beginner but not detailed enough for an advanced student.这本语法指南对初学者和水平高的学生都不适用——对初学者太难,对水平高的学生又不够详细。The author explained the movement of light by analogy with that of water.作者透过对水的运动的类比来解释光的运动。He underwent hypnosis to treat his fear of water.他通过催眠来治疗自己对水的恐惧。The fruit was embargoed.对水果实施禁运。They carried out tests on the water.他们对水进行了多次化验。Your dislike of water is perhaps due to a subconscious fear of drowning.你对水的厌恶可能是因为潜意识中害怕溺水。 |