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词汇 对方
例句 My colleague and I looked at each other and then dissolved into helpless laughter.我和同事互相看着对方,然后情不自禁地笑了。Already, both sides are jockeying to belittle the other side.双方已经在使出浑身解数贬低对方了。The other team had us dead to rights by the end of the first half.到上半场结束时,对方球队把我们打得一败涂地。Then the warriors turned upon each other, for a fight to the death.接着勇士们互相扑向对方,进行了一场殊死搏斗。He pitched a shutout.他的投球未让对方得分。The first England goal came giftwrapped.英格兰队的第一个入球几乎是对方白送的。We walked in step, almost touching.我们齐步向前走,几乎能碰到对方We stared at each other in stunned silence.我们惊呆了,一言不发地互相凝视着对方The offense attacked the weak defensive line.进攻队员攻击了对方薄弱的防线。He's always trash-talking the other players.他总是用言语攻击对方队员。He rebounded, breathless, jabbing at the other man in quick hard blows.他重新振作起来,屏住呼吸,用快速的刺拳狠狠地击打对方We won the game by default when the other team failed to show up.对方球队没有到场,我们因对方弃权赢得了比赛。The fullback outstripped the defenders and scored a touchdown.全卫比对方防守队员跑得更快,从而达阵得分。The burden of proof lies on us to prove negligence.证明对方犯有疏忽罪的举证责任落在我们身上。They were landing punches pretty even.他们相互拳击对方,不分上下。We thought the world of each other.我们非常在乎对方In conversation, some people unconsciously imitate the people they are speaking with.有些人在交谈的时候会不自觉地模仿对方Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood.因为他们只会说斯瓦希里语,因此我们就借助动作和手势让对方明白我们的意思。He could not disprove the major contention of his opponents.他驳不倒对方的主要论点。She wanted to talk to them about their behavior in a nonconfrontational way.她想以不太会激怒对方的方式探讨一下他们的行为。The opposition scored a goal in the last seconds of the game.对方球队在比赛的最后几秒钟里进了一球。They screamed across the back fence.他们隔着后栅栏冲着对方喊叫。They've decided to hold all future deliveries until the invoice has been paid.他们决定,在对方付清发货清单上的货款之前,暂停所有未来的交货。They gave each other piggyback rides.他们轮番背着对方走。Just watch how he tricks the other player into going in the wrong direction.你就看他是怎么欺骗对方球员跑错方向的。We've got a loose arrangement for looking after each other's children.我们有一个不成文的约定,要互相照顾对方的孩子。The team hit back with a touchdown of their own.这支球队以一个达阵得分来还击对方The operator told the caller that the line is busy.接线生告诉打电话的人对方电话占线。The agreement includes a provision for each side to check the other side's weapons.协议中有一条规定,允许双方检查对方的武器。I hoped we would never set eyes on one another again.我希望我们以后再也不会看到对方The goats lunged at each other with their horns.两只山羊互相用角顶对方Saturday's goal was the product of some poor defending by the opposing team.星期六的那个进球是对方球队防守出现错误的结果。They kick up a rumpus and throw things at each other.他们吵了起来并互相朝对方扔东西。Liverpool have kept a clean sheet in five of their last six home games.在最近的六场主场比赛中,利物浦队有五场都没有让对方进球。Alan and Sam can't stand the sight of each other.艾伦和萨姆都非常讨厌对方The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw, provided the other side does so also.陆军最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。The coach told Jim to take care of the opposing centre forward.教练员叫吉姆盯住对方球队的中锋。They offered opposing players bribes to fix a decisive league match against Valenciennes.他们贿赂对方队员,在联赛对阵瓦朗谢讷队的一场决定性比赛中作弊。The twins often borrow each other's clothes.这对双胞胎经常借对方的衣服穿。Like many married couples, we had started to take each other for granted.像许多夫妻一样,我们开始相互把对方的帮助看成是应该的。




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