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词汇 morals
例句 He didn't see the slightest incongruity between the idealism of his plays and his own morals.他没看出他戏剧中的理想主义和他自己的道德观有丝毫不相称。Among many, it's gospel that he must have been an innocent victim of a girl with loose morals.很多人深信不疑,他肯定是被一个放荡女子所葬送的无辜受害者。As far as traditional morals are concerned, she is a non-conformist.就传统道德而言,她不是一个循规蹈距的人。He only knew the morals, customs and beliefs of his mountain village.他只知道自己山村的道德观念、风俗习惯和宗教信仰。Socrates was accused of corrupting the morals of the youth of Athens.苏格拉底被指控败坏了雅典年轻人的品行。He has no morals and will do anything for money.他毫无道德,为了钱什么事都干得出来。No one questions her morals. 没有人质疑她的品行。They have no morals.他们毫无道德。Lust now seems to be associated with casual sex and loose morals.色欲如今似乎与性生活随便和道德放纵联系在一起了。In morals the action is judged by the intention.从伦理学角度说,行为是由意图来判断的。He has absolutely no morals, that man!那家伙根本不讲道德!Business morals nowadays are very low.眼下商业道德极差。Lewis's novel doesn't flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.刘易斯的小说并没有美化美国中西部人的生活态度和道德观念。We want to moralize politics and not to politicize morals.我们要使政治道德化,而不是使道德政治化。Harry doesn't seem to have any morals at all.哈里似乎一点道德观念都没有。Values and morals are independent of religious faith.价值观和道德观是独立于宗教信仰之外的。The newspaper has become the self-appointed guardian of public morals.这家报纸自命为公共道德的维护者。His actions are an offense to public morals.他的行为有悖公共道德。The author points to recent cases of fraud as evidence of the lack of morals in the business world.作者以最近发生的一些诈骗案作为证据指出商界的道德缺失。She was gradually instilling morals into her children.她在逐步地向自己的孩子们灌输道德规范。They saw criminal law as an instrument for improving public morals.他们把刑法视为提高公众道德水准的工具。Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.吉辛用小说中的第二自我攻击维多利亚时代的道德观。Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.宗教价值观常常和人本主义道德观相去甚远。There are clear morals to be drawn from the failure of these companies.从这些公司的倒闭中可得到明确的教训。This was a matter less of morals than of expediency.此举只是权宜之计,不关乎道德问题。He was booked on a morals charge.他因道德罪被控。Some people have no business morals.有些人毫无商业道德。




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