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词汇 烹调
例句 I like hot curries.我喜欢吃用咖喱烹调的菜。Turn the shanks and baste them once or twice as they cook.将小腿肉翻一下,烹调时在上面抹一两次油。Once the vegetables start to cook add in a couple of tablespoons of water.开始烹调蔬菜时,加入几调羹水。Smoke alarms can be set off by smoke from cigarettes, cooking, and fireplaces.香烟、烹调的油烟,以及壁炉的烟都可以触发烟雾报警器。This versatile vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked.这种蔬菜有多种吃法,既可生吃也可烹调后食用。Cook over a fairly high heat until the outsides are browned.用大火烹调至表面焦黄。The hunter skinned the rabbit and prepared it for cooking.猎人剥去兔子的皮,准备烹调Cookery Editor Moyra Fraser takes you behind the scenes.烹调专栏主笔莫伊拉·弗雷泽会带您了解幕后的故事。The guests were all duly impressed with Jack's cooking.杰克的烹调给客人们留下了不错的印象。Simmer the soup uncovered for the remainder of the cooking time.余下的烹调时间内要把汤开着盖用文火炖。It always pays to use the best ingredients when cooking.烹调时选用最好的食材往往是值得的。Because we ourselves are Italian, we know what Italian cooking should be.因为我们自己就是意大利人,所以我们知道意大利烹调应该是什么样的。Establishing a new hotel and its cuisine takes time.开一家新酒店并形成自己的烹调风格需要时间。Cut off the excess fat from the meat before cooking.烹调前切掉肉上多余的脂肪。Peppers are usually cooked with other vegetables or eaten raw in salads.甜椒通常是与其他蔬菜一同烹调或放在色拉里生吃。Trim any visible fat off the meat before cooking.烹调前切掉所有看得见的肥肉。Cook each vegetable separately until just tender.每样蔬菜都单独烹调,煮到稍稍变软就好。He has learned to cook by trial and error.他经过反复试烧学会了烹调I can recommend that new Greek restaurant. Their cooking is excellent.我可以向您推荐那家新开的希腊餐馆。他们的烹调是一流的。They cooked without skill and ate without discrimination.他们烹调手艺不高,也不挑食。How do you like your eggs?你想吃怎么烹调的鸡蛋?Soak the beans overnight before cooking.烹调前,先把豆子泡一晚。When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.烹调时不论是植物油还是动物油,都要尽量少用。The cooking instructions say to bake it for half an hour.烹调说明书上说烘烤半个小时。We like the taste of cabbage, but the cooking smells up the whole apartment.我们喜欢卷心菜的味道,不过烹调时那气味充满整个套房让人受不了。Make sure the meat has thawed completely before cooking.肉要完全解冻后再烹调This recipe book is worth its weight in gold - it tells you everything you need to know.这本烹调书非常有用——它会告诉你对烹调所需要了解的一切。Cook the chicken in some oil.把鸡放在油里烹调Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked.烹调时,每个玉米粒都会发出很响的砰的声音。Once it is properly cooked the flavour mellows.一旦经过适当烹调,味道就变得香醇了。Red onions lose their color when cooked.烹调的时候红洋葱会褪色。Hang the pheasant/Let the pheasant hang for a few days for the flavour to improve before you cook it.烹调雉鸡肉之前先把它挂起来晾几天,这样味道会更好。According to the foreword, the cookbook aims to celebrate the rich variety of Chinese food.这本烹调书在引言中说此书的目的是要称颂中国菜的丰富多样。On his form he lists his interests as cycling and cooking.在表格上,他列出的爱好有骑自行车和烹调Some ready made meals are nutritious and very easy to prepare.一些预制膳食很有营养,而且烹调起来很简单。He'll cook it how you like it.他会按照你的喜好烹调Perry would always flatter Mrs. Mitchell by praising her cooking.佩里常常奉承米切尔太太,称赞她的烹调手艺。The cuisine is absolutely superb.这里的烹调绝对出色。The turkeys are marketed ready-to-cook.火鸡是以即可烹调的形式销售的。You should scale, bone, and clean the fish before you cook it.烹调之前,应该把鱼去鳞、剔骨、清洗干净。




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