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词汇 Moon
例句 The Moon orbits the Earth.月球围绕地球运行。Armstrong is the first man stepping on the Moon.阿姆斯特朗是登月第一人。This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon.就在此刻,内尔·阿姆斯特朗成了首位登上月球的人。Rupert Moon is out of today's session with a twisted knee.鲁珀特·穆恩扭伤了膝盖,无法参加今天的训练。Astrologers cast horoscopes by referring to the position of the Moon.占星家参照月亮的位置占星算命。Moon beat all the other wannabe quarterbacks, and was signed by the Seattle Seahawks.穆恩击败了所有想当四分卫的人,与西雅图海鹰队签了约。The planet Pluto is comparable in size to our Moon.冥王星的大小和月球差不多。Concerning sending man to the Moon price very high at present.就目前来说把人送上月球代价太高了。The Moon exerts a gravitational pull on the Earth, creating tides.月球对地球有引力,从而产生了潮汐。The crater Tycho is the most conspicuous feature on the Moon's surface.第谷环形山是月球表面最显著的特征。Neil Armstrong was the first person ever to set foot on the Moon.尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球的人。The Moon Lake is crowded with dabblers in this summer evening.在这个夏日的黄昏戏水者云集于月湖。Moon, as great as he is, has had some inconsistent days.伟大如穆恩者,也有状态起伏的时候。The first song, 'Blue Moon', didn't go too badly except that everyone talked throughout.第一首歌《蓝色的月亮》唱得并不太差,只是所有人从头到尾都在讲话。The Moon orbits around the Earth.月球围绕地球运行。She found her friend, Felicia Moon, bruised and scratched after a fight with her husband.她发现自己的朋友费利西娅·穆恩与丈夫打了一架后,身上有瘀肿和划伤。The accepted wisdom is that the Moon is uninhabited.月球无人居住是一个被普遍接受的观点。




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