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词汇 monument
例句 They have erected a monument in his honor.他们为他竖立了一座纪念碑。Grizzled veterans in uniform gathered at the war monument.头发花白的老兵们身着戎装聚集在战争纪念碑前。Washington memorial is a noble monument.华盛顿纪念碑是很宏伟的。They inscribed the monument with the soldiers' names.他们把士兵们的名字写在纪念碑上。The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve.这一城堡废墟是古代的遗迹,政府出钱加以保存。His lecture was a monument of tedium.他的学术报告单调乏味之极。The museum was built as a lasting monument to the civil war.博物馆的修建是对内战的永久纪念。The company is a monument to Sir Peter's energy and vision.这家公司是见证彼得爵士的旺盛精力和远见卓识的一座丰碑。They will build a monument in memory of the national hero.他们将建造一座纪念碑来纪念这位民族英雄。This monument is sacred to the memory of the Unknown Soldiers.这一纪念碑是为纪念无名将士而建立的。The fashions of that era are a monument to bad taste. 那个时代的时装就是品味差的一个绝好例证。They built a monument to the memory of their dead leader.他们造了一个纪念馆来纪念他们已故的领袖。The monument consists of a circle of gigantic stones.纪念碑由一圈巨石组成。Leave the monument on the right and cross the bridge.经过右手边的纪念碑,再往前过桥。That monument has been there since the year one.纪念碑已经立在那里好长时间了。The monument was unveiled with great solemnity.纪念碑的揭幕仪式庄严肃穆。The monument was built in memory of all the soldiers who died in the war.这座纪念碑是为纪念所有在战争中死去的士兵而建的。A group of youths hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument.一群年轻人将他们的旗帜升到那座备受争议的纪念碑顶上。Protesters have called the building a monument to corporate greed.抗议者称这座大楼是企业贪婪的永久见证。They raised a monument to the national hero.他们为那位民族英雄树了纪念碑。The house was designated a national monument.这座房子曾被列为国家级文物。The monument commemorates our victory.这座碑是纪念我们的胜利的。The monument is a worthy testament to the courage of the men who fought in the war.这座纪念碑是那些参战者勇气的最佳证明。He was delegated by the town to take care of the monument.他被镇政府选派去看护这个历史遗迹。We had a picnic on the lawn in front of the monument.我们在那座纪念碑前的草地上野炊。The building is a monument of architecture.这幢大楼是建筑艺术的典范。A monument was erected in front of the town hall.一座纪念碑在市政厅前建起。A large monument was erected on the battlefield.战场上矗立起一座大型纪念碑。The monument predates the arrival of the druids in Britain.这一遗迹在德鲁伊特来到不列颠前就已存在。The Lincoln Memorial is a national monument.林肯纪念堂为国家级文物单位。They moved the monument on rollers.他们把纪念碑放在滚轮上移动。The monument is approached by steps.有台阶通往纪念碑。The Abbey is a major historical monument.威斯敏斯特大教堂是个重要的历史古迹。The new boat is a fitting monument to the crew members who lost their lives.新船是对遇难船员最好的纪念。The site was preserved as a monument for future generations.这个地方被保存下来,供后人凭吊纪念。The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.环绕着纪念碑的那个公园最近扩建了。The pyramids are a living monument to the skill of their builders.金字塔是其建造者高超技艺的传世纪念碑。A monument to the national heroes was erected here after the war.战后在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。The monument will stand just inside the cathedral.纪念碑将安放在大教堂内。A flame is kept constantly burning at the monument.纪念碑前的火焰长明不熄。




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