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词汇 monitor
例句 A short black wire connects the computer's monitor to its keyboard.电脑显示器和键盘是用一根短的黑色电线连接的。He was watching a game of tennis on a television monitor.他在看电视转播的网球赛。The centre carries out work to monitor trends in housing management.该中心展开了对监测物业管理动向的研究。A bankruptcy-court judge yesterday ordered the appointment of a financial examiner to monitor cash flows at Enron North America.昨天破产法院法官下令指派一名金融问询员监控安然北美公司的现金流。Flight engineers monitor the engines, fuel consumption, and functioning of aircraft systems during flight.飞行工程师在飞行过程中监控发动机的运行、燃料消耗情况和飞机系统的运转。Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.以前不允许官员监督投票。The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.新发现表明女性应当密切关注她们的胆固醇水平。Some companies monitor all employee email.一些公司监控雇员的所有电子邮件。She was wired up to a heart monitor.她身上连着一个心脏监护仪。We need to monitor the transaction of smaller deals.我们需要监控规模较小的交易。We'll monitor closely in case early delivery of the baby is indicated.一旦出现婴儿早产的迹象,我们将密切监控。We elected our monitor by a show of hands.我们举手选举了班长。The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.心脏监测仪可以测出脉搏跳动的强度。Regular tests enable the teacher to monitor the progress of each child.定期的检测使老师能监测每个孩子的进步。We will of course monitor the campaign to assess its effectiveness.我们当然会监察这场运动,以评价其成效。We will now be able to monitor its progress more closely.我们现在能够更密切地监控其进展情况。The monitor showed that someone was moving around in the car park.监视器显示有人在停车场走动。It's a problem that we will need to continue to monitor and remediate.我们必须不断监控和纠正这个问题。They monitor both the quantity and quality of materials used.他们监督所用材料的数量和质量。The monitor has excellent resolution.这种显示器有极高的分辨率。Our son was made the milk monitor for the younger children.我们儿子被安排监督年纪较小的孩子喝牛奶。Their job is to monitor the movements of suspected terrorists.他们的任务是监视恐怖嫌疑分子的行动。It would monitor traffic flows and provide feedback to motorists.它能监控交通状况,然后给司机提供反馈信息。Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.用了这种新药的病人将被要求监测身体的好转情况。The patient was hooked up to a monitor/respirator.那名患者被戴上了监测器/呼吸器。Does your new computer have a colour monitor?你的新电脑配有彩色显示器吗?They monitor the movement of the fish going up river.他们在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。Doctors monitor the patient's heart rate.医生监控病人的心跳速度。Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.基金管理人不适合监管公司。The instructions are displayed on a monitor.指令显示在监视器上。They actually monitor the movement of the fish going up river.他们实际上在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。She's been able to monitor his progress.她得以密切关注他的成长。You need feedback to monitor progress.你需要利用反馈信息来监控进展。Military observers have been allowed into the area to monitor the ceasefire.军事观察员获准进入那个地区监督停火协议的执行情况。The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监测器显示患者神志不清。It will be necessary to create a regime to monitor compliance with the agreements.有必要建立一个机制来监控协议的遵守情况。The monitor's display is easy on the eyes.这台显示器的显示画面赏心悦目。She uses an at-home blood test to monitor her blood levels.她用一种家用血液测试法监测她的各项血液指标。We must monitor the financial situation closely.我们必须密切监视金融形势。We're in a good position to monitor and respond to customer concerns.我们能很好地关注和回答顾客关心的问题。




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