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词汇 血迹
例句 As gently as she could she swabbed the blood off his forehead.她动作尽量轻地用棉签擦去他额头上的血迹A trail of blood spotted the snow.雪地上有一行血迹Blood stains are very difficult to shift.血迹很难洗掉。The shirt was heavily stained with blood.衬衫上沾满了血迹Police found traces of blood on the killer's shoes.警方在凶手的鞋子上发现了几丝血迹The killer must have been heavily bloodstained.杀手的身上肯定沾满了血迹I fetched water and scrubbed at the bloodstains.我提了水来擦洗血迹The spots of blood on the floor engaged the attention of the police.地板上的血迹引起了警察的注意。Blood and dirt covered his face.他的脸上满是血迹和灰尘。Detectives found a few spots of blood on the carpet.侦探在地毯上发现了一些血迹There were drips of blood on the floor.地板上有滴落的血迹Lucille brushed at the blood on his jacket.露西尔刷着他夹克上的血迹All trace of blood on the floor had gone.地板上所有的血迹都不见了。Blood splatter was found at the crime scene.犯罪现场发现了血迹Hugh wiped the rest of the blood off his face.休擦去了脸上残留的血迹When the police found him, his shoes were missing and his hands were caked with dried blood.警方发现他时,他的鞋子不见了,手上全是干了的血迹He went to the men's room to wash flecks of blood from his shirt.他去男洗手间清洗衬衫上的斑斑血迹There was a smear of blood on the wall.墙上有一片血迹He worked to remove all traces of blood.他忙着清除所有的血迹He went inside and washed off the blood.他走了进去,把血迹冲掉。There was a speck or two of blood on his shirt.他的衬衣上有一两滴血迹The police found flecks of blood on his clothes.警方在他的衣服上发现了血迹The horses' flanks were sheeted with blood and sweat.马的两肋遍布着血迹和汗水。The clothes were ripped to shreds and covered in blood.衣服被撕成了碎片,上面满是血迹He scrubbed the blood from his shoes.他把鞋子上的血迹擦掉了。He put his hand on the bed, and left a splodge of blood on the bedspread.他把手搁在床上,床单上留下了一片血迹Hugh wiped the rest of the blood off his face with his handkerchief.休用手帕擦去脸上残留的血迹Police found minute traces of blood on the car seats.警察在汽车的座位上发现几丝血迹The blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight.一夜之间,人行道上的血迹就被雨水冲掉了。Some blood had got onto her clothing.她衣服弄上了一点血迹His shirtfront was soiled with blood and his hair was wild.他的衬衫前胸沾着血迹,而且头发蓬乱。She heard a shot, then saw a dark-red stain spreading across his shirt.她听到一声枪响,然后看到暗红色的血迹染透了他的衬衫。I noticed a speck of blood on his shirt.我注意到他衬衣上有一点血迹Forensic experts found traces of blood in the car.法医专家在车里发现了血迹He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin.他用纸巾将血迹擦去。He put his hand on the bed, and left a splotch of blood on the bedspread.他把手搁在床上,床单上留下了一片血迹




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