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词汇 misused
例句 Measures must be taken to prevent confidential data from being misused.一定要采取措施防止机密数据被误用。He feels he has been misused by the press.他觉得新闻界对他的报道不公平。He wanted to prevent science from being misused.他想防止科学被滥用。He had grossly misused his power.他严重滥用职权。Even harmless drugs can be misused.即使是无毒副作用的药物也有使用不当的时候。She misused her position in the appointment of party supporters to government jobs.她滥用职权,任命了党派的支持者担任政府工作。You've illegally accessed and misused confidential security files.你已经非法访问并盗用了机密的安全文件。Saunas can be hazardous if misused. Avoid a big meal beforehand.洗桑拿浴如果方法不当会有危险,浴前切忌饱食。For over six years, the mayor and his cronies have flagrantly misused public funds.六年多以来,市长和他的同僚一直明目张胆地滥用公款。It's a word that is often misused.它是一个经常被用错的词。The word is misused and sorts oddly with the heading above it.这个词使用不当,因而跟它上面的标题很不协调。




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