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词汇 attendance
例句 Mrs Sakamoto had finished taking attendance.坂本夫人已经点完名了。Over 2000 police were in attendance at yesterday's demonstration.在昨天的示威活动中,有两千多名警察在场。There was a large attendance at the party.参加聚会的人很多。I can't stand the way she has to have someone dancing attendance on her the whole time.我受不了她那种老得有人跑前跑后逢迎着她的作派。She knew she had been very slack in her church attendance recently.她知道自己最近疏于上教堂。She draws spiritual sustenance from daily church attendance.她每天去教堂做礼拜以获得精神寄托。She found reassurance in the high attendance at her lectures.来听她讲座的人很多,这使她感到很欣慰。This student's attendance and punctuality have not been good.这名学生出勤情况不好,也不准时。His attendance record is poor.他的考勤记录很糟糕。We had pretty good attendance despite the bad weather.尽管天气不好,我们的观众人数仍相当可观。The average attendance at sports events increased last year.去年现场观看体育赛事的平均人数有所增长。Bizarrely, death is not a disqualification for voting although non-attendance at party meetings is.奇怪的是,死亡不会让人失去投票资格,但是不参加政党会议却会让人失去投票资格。The principal kept a graphic record of school attendance.校长用图表记录学生的出席率。He lived in considerable style, travelling widely, usually with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.他活得相当潇洒,通常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。Her grades are good, but how's her attendance?她的成绩很好,但出勤情况如何?Weekly attendance at a religious service was the norm.每周参加一次宗教仪式是常规。Records of attendance are prominently displayed in the classroom.出勤记录显眼地展示在教室里。If you look at our attendance record, you'll see that it is exceptional.如果你看一下我们的出席记录,你就会发现这是个例外情况。His attendance record was spotty.他的出勤记录时好时差。The attendance figures for this year's festival were rather disappointing.今年节日出席的人数让人相当失望。As the course becomes more difficult, there's usually a corresponding drop in attendance.随着课程逐渐变难,来上课的人也越来越少了。Councillor Paul Tisley will be in attendance at the start of the meeting to welcome us.议员保罗·提斯里将在会议开始时出席,以欢迎我们。The teacher takes attendance every day.那位老师每天都记考勤。The First Lady was in attendance for most of the conference sessions.第一夫人出席了这次大会的大部分会议。I looked around the room,taking mental attendance.我扫视了一下房间,在脑子里检点一下到了哪些人。The attendance has dropped away in recent months.近几个月来出席人数逐渐减少。It is a parent's responsibility to ensure children's regular attendance at school.确保孩子正常上学是父母的责任。He lived in considerable style, travelling with a cook, valet, butler and chauffeur in attendance.他活得相当有派头,常常带着厨师、用人、管家和司机到处游玩。She danced attendance on princesses, countesses, and duchesses.她讨得了那些公主王妃、伯爵夫人和公爵夫人的欢心。The Duke of York will be in attendance at tonight's gala concert.约克公爵将出席今晚的节日音乐会。Her poor attendance was a strike against her. 她的出勤率差对她不利。Movie attendance soared during the war.战争期间去看电影的人数陡增。Her attendance at school was sporadic.她三天两头旷课。The teacher spoke to her about her poor attendance record.老师因她总是缺勤而找她谈话。Officials worried about anemic attendance at the shows.官员们为演出的低上座率而担忧。He was assiduous in his attendance at church.他去教堂做礼拜坚持不懈。There has been a drop-off in attendance this year.今年的出席人数大幅减少。He was taken into care because of his non-attendance at school.他由于旷课引起了注意。He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night.会有一位护士日夜不间断地陪护着他。He was taken to task over his poor attendance record.他因为出勤记录不佳而受到训斥。




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