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词汇 employee
例句 He's been chosen as the employee of the month four times this year! 今年他已经四次被选为月度优秀员工。Each employee will receive a certain share of the profits.每位员工都将得到一定份额的利润分成。The auto assembly line epitomizes the conditions that contribute to employee dissatisfaction.自动装配线是造成雇员不满情绪的典型环境。An employee who has learned outmoded procedures on previous jobs must be first untaught.在以往职业岗位上学得了过时工作程序的雇员必须先接受洗旧脑筋的教学。As an employee, she will add great value to your company.作为公司一员,她会给贵公司创造极大的价值。A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.一名心怀不满的前员工被认为是此次爆炸的罪魁祸首。The company president sent a memorandum to each employee.公司总裁向每个员工发送了一份备忘录。Maintaining a diverse employee base requires ongoing commitment.维持多样的员工基本队伍需要持续的努力。She was a highly prized employee.她曾是个非常受器重的员工。Almost every employee must moonlight in second jobs simply to subsist.只是为了维持生计,几乎每个职员都要偷偷地做兼职。The company will match employee contributions to the insurance plan.公司将使雇员贡献与保险计划挂钩。He knows how you are a valued employee.他知道你是位受器重的雇员。What is so compromising about being an employee of the state?当公务员有什么地方让人这么丢脸?A pay raise would boost employee morale a great deal.加薪能大大提高雇员的士气。She is seeking compensation for the wrongs that she suffered as an employee at that company.她现在正就此寻求赔偿。They claim that this type of monitoring infringes on the employee's privacy.他们称这种监控侵犯了雇员的隐私。If any employee needs to take time off, s/he should contact the Personnel Department.任何雇员需要休假,应与人事部联系。The company has a track record of good employee relations.公司有员工关系良好的记录。Don't allow your comments to degenerate into a personal attack on the employee.别让你的话变成对雇员的人身攻击。She's a former state employee/employee of the state.她以前是政府雇员。What's the lowdown on the new employee?这位新雇员的底细如何? Each employee has a one-on-one performance review with his or her boss.每一个雇员都会与其上司做一对一的业绩回顾。In addition to a competitive salary, the company offers attractive employee benefits.除了有竞争力的工资外,公司还提供优厚的福利待遇。Oftentimes a company will contribute toward an employee's moving expenses.在许多情况下,雇主会为雇员提供移居的费用。The company has been struggling and employee morale is low. 这家公司一直难以为继,员工士气低落。The explicit consent of each employee is required.要求每位员工都明确表示同意。We've lost a valuable employee in Mike.我们失去了一位像迈克这样难得的员工A raise in employee wages might stimulate production.给员工加薪可能促进产量增长。Wall Street firms are required to dab every employee from messenger boy to president.华尔街上的公司被要求留下从信差到总裁所有雇员的指纹印。A supervisor will evaluate each employee's performance.主管将对每名员工的工作表现做出评价。An employer is not duty bound to provide a reference when an employee leaves.雇员离职时雇主没有必须出具推荐信的义务。Chris always got to work early and left late - the model employee.克里斯上班总是早来晚走—是模范员工。The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.电力公司会派雇员去你那儿抄表。Each employee will have a one-day furlough every month.每个员工每月都将有一天无薪休假。The retiring employee was given a watch as a testimonial for his years of service.那位退休雇员被赠与一块表,作为他多年工作的纪念。Each employee will be issued an identification card.每位雇员都将配发一张身份识别卡。As an employee, his record is outstanding.作为一名员工,他有优秀的纪录。A mustache-hater, he is said once to have made an employee shave before he got a raise.他讨厌留胡子,据说他曾经要求一位员工剃去胡子后才给他加薪。The store has a high employee turnover.这家店员工的流动性很大。If he suspected an employee of dishonesty, he was not above wiretapping.如果他怀疑某位雇员说谎,他就会搭线窃听他的电话。




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