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词汇 employees
例句 We may have to lay off a few employees this year. That's the truth of the matter. 我们今年可能不得不解雇一些员工,这就是事实。He expects his employees to be at his beck and call day and night.他希望自己的员工不分昼夜地听命于他。Two of his employees were out sick.他的两名员工因病没来上班。It came to his ear that several employees were unhappy with his management style.他听说有几个雇员不满意他的管理方式。They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.他们成了介于军事人员与平民雇员之间的边缘人物。The records contain the bank details of all employees.这些记录包括所有职员的银行账户资料。Many of its employees are women.很多雇员是女性。The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.该公司的雇员做任何事都励行节约。He has terrorized his employees with threats of instant dismissals.他用立即解职的警告恐吓他的雇员们。Articles were ghost-written by company employees.这些文章由公司的职员捉刀。Data regarding employees’ salaries are stored on the computer at the main office.雇员薪酬的资料储存在总公司的电脑上。Most employees have second jobs simply to subsist.为了糊口,大多数雇员都做着兼职。We need to create a safe working environment for all employees.我们需要为所有员工创造一个安全的工作环境。The manager has to take up the slack when employees don't do their jobs correctly.员工工作出错时,经理只好接手。The regulations prescribe that all employees must pass a physical examination.条例规定所有员工必须通过体检。She insists on all her employees coming to the Christmas lunch she gives every year.她坚持要求所有员工都参加她每年一次的圣诞午餐。He treated his employees with exceptional cruelty.他对雇员非常残酷。If you want to go ahead with these plans, you'll need buy-in from the employees.如果你想开展这些方案,你必须得到员工的赞同。The boss made invidious distinctions between employees.老板把雇员分为三六九等,这让人反感。We offer a gym for our employees but only a handful ever use it.我们为员工设立了健身房,但只有少数几名员工使用。Most government employees had become parasites, expecting to retain their positions through friendship or political favor.大多数政府雇员成了寄生虫,都指望通过朋友关系或政治上的好处来保住自己的职位。While the company laid off some employees, others had hopes of keeping their jobs.虽然公司解雇了一些员工,但其他人有希望保住饭碗。The departures of several key employees have caused problems for the company.几名骨干员工的离职给公司造成了一些问题。We listen to our employees and value their input.我们倾听员工的声音,重视他们提供的信息。Rightly or wrongly, many employees feel pushed to work longer hours.不管对不对,许多员工都觉得被迫延长了工作时间。The employees are backing the reorganization plans, with reservations.员工支持重组计划,但有保留意见。New employees are given on-the-job training.新员工要进行在职培训。The company's rules forbid dating among employees.公司的条例禁止员工之间谈恋爱。We expect good results from our employees.我们期待员工绩效良好。Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.公务员、教师和自由派人士正在散发请愿书,要求将他召回。Managers must not be insensitive to the needs of their employees.管理层一定不能无视雇员的需求。Supervisors should meet with their employees at least every other week to share information.主管至少应该每两个星期和员工见一次面交换信息。A small group is protesting the dismissals of several employees.有一小群人正在抗议解雇数名员工。I hope the exhibitors will be able to connect up with promising new employees.我希望参展商们能遇见有前途的新员工。Our employees are the heart and soul of our company.员工是我们公司的灵魂。The well-known humanitarian, Joseph Rowntree, was concerned with the welfare of his employees.著名的人道主义者约瑟夫‧荣特里非常关心其雇员的福利。The State Department advised its employees that fighting near the borders made it too risky to leave the country.美国国务院劝告其职员,边境上发生的战斗使出国变得十分危险。It is said that the boss is sour toward his employees.据说这个老板对他的雇员很刻薄。This form must be handed to all employees.这张表格必须交给所有雇员。The long working hours put a severe strain on employees.工作时间长使雇员产生很严重的焦虑情绪。




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