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词汇 Mexico
例句 If its strategy succeeds, Mexico could even steal a march on its northern neighbour.如果策略得当,墨西哥甚至可以赶在其北部邻国之前抢得先机。Mexico's Defense Ministry this month signed a pact that allows Mexican troops to train at American bases.墨西哥国防部本月签署条约,使墨西哥军队可在美军基地上接受训练。Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico.得克萨斯州与墨西哥的贸易往来历史悠久。These ceremonies were already part of pre-Christian ritual in Mexico.这些仪式已经成为墨西哥基督教时期以前的宗教仪式的一部分。Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation.成功的农业改革也是墨西哥实现现代化的必要条件。The trade pacts will spur an exodus of U.S. businesses to Mexico.这一贸易协定将会推动大批美国企业涌向墨西哥。Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico.得克萨斯州与墨西哥间的贸易往来历史悠久。Mexico's financial difficulties increased rather than diminished.墨西哥的财政问题不但没有减轻,反而更趋严重了。The lawyer questioned me about how money was transmitted to Mexico.律师盘问我钱是如何转移到墨西哥去的。In New Mexico all kinds of cuisines are represented.在新墨西哥州, 有各种各样的烹饪方法。He went AWOL from his army unit and defected to Mexico.他擅自离开部队,叛逃到墨西哥。Mexico had the support of the big western governments.墨西哥拥有西方大国的支持。The people who travelled with us to Mexico were a motley crew.跟我们一起去墨西哥旅行的是一些杂七杂八的人。The tension was high in Mexico as the day of the decision approached.裁决的时间一天天逼近,墨西哥的气氛非常紧张。He made his triumphal entry into Mexico City.他以胜利者的姿态进入墨西哥城。The Pontiff celebrated mass in Mexico City.教皇在墨西哥城主持了弥撒。The US is bounded in the north by Canada and in the south by Mexico.美国北面与加拿大接壤,南面与墨西哥毗邻。Another possibility is that we'll go to Mexico instead.另外一种可能性就是我们改去墨西哥。They finally hunted down the killer in Mexico.他们最后在墨西哥抓到了凶手。Mexico is in the south of North America.墨西哥在北美洲南部。The Spaniards subdued the Indian tribes in Mexico.西班牙人征服了墨西哥的印第安部落。Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican.墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。He's Mexican born and bred. = He was born and bred in Mexico. 他在墨西哥出生和长大。She ran away with him to Mexico and espoused the revolutionary cause.她跟着他逃到墨西哥,并支持革命事业。And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us.促进墨西哥、加拿大和美国的经济繁荣将有助于解决与我们大家息息相关的诸多问题。Reports are coming in of a massive earthquake in Mexico.陆续收到了墨西哥发生大地震的报告。We passed through Texas on our way to Mexico.我们去墨西哥时途经得克萨斯州。Mexico has borrowed heavily from private banks, the World Bank, and other international lenders.墨西哥向私人银行、世界银行以及其他国际借贷组织借了很多债务。In New Mexico, a state statute permits one minute of silent prayer at the beginning of school.在新墨西哥,有一条新法规允许每天上课之前可以有一分钟的默祷。His meteorological observations resulted in a theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico.他对气象的观察得出了墨西哥湾热带风暴如何形成的理论。Mexico is to the south of the U.S.A.墨西哥在美国之南。A lot of the food grown in Mexico is exported to earn hard currency.墨西哥种植的许多食品都用来出口以换取硬通货。She was seriously contemplating moving to Mexico.她正认真考虑搬到墨西哥去。Textiles are one of Mexico's main exports.纺织品是墨西哥主要出口产品之一。Someone was laundering secret campaign money in Mexico.有人在墨西哥把秘密竞选资金洗干净。Mexico announced its intention of repaying the loan ahead of schedule.墨西哥表示有意提前还贷。Mexico is self-sufficient in oil.墨西哥在石油方面可自给自足。He took himself off to Mexico.他已动身前往墨西哥。In the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, oil rigs attract fish.在墨西哥湾的浅海水域,石油钻塔吸引了大量的鱼群。They crossed the border into Mexico.他们穿越边界,进入了墨西哥境内。




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