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Their characters are fully formed and they are both very stable children.两个孩子的性格已经完全成型了,都很稳重。The material is machined in a factory.这种材料在一家工厂里用机器加工成型。Strips of wood are bonded together and moulded by machine.木板条被黏合在一起并用机器压模成型。Sinks can be pressed from a single sheet of steel.水槽可以用一块钢板冲压成型。The parts of the engine have been precisely machined.引擎的零件已经用机器精确加工成型。The felt for the hat is shaped on a block.制作帽子的毛毡是在模子上成型的。To be fair, the team is young and not yet settled.说句公道话,这个队还年轻,还没有成型。What happens at the atomic level when metals are hammered and pressed into shape has always been a mystery.当金属被锤压成型时,在原子水平上发生了什么一直是个谜。She embarked on the process of roughing out the shape.她着手开始毛坯成型工序。 |