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词汇 成套
例句 I need one more stamp to complete the set.我还需要一枚邮票来配成套There they sat, organized and efficient, while we puddled around our mismatched collection of mostly improvised camping gear.他们井然有序、动作高效地坐在那儿,而我们则还在瞎摆弄那堆不成套的、多数是临时拼凑起来的露营工具。It is a matter of convention that male business people usually wear suits.男性商人一般穿成套西装,这是个习惯问题。The shelves are sold in kits that you have to assemble yourself.架子是成套配件组合出售的,你得自己把它们安装起来。Football kit relaunches are simply a way of boosting sales.成套足球用品的重新推出仅仅是一种促销的手段。The mattress and base are normally bought as a set.通常床垫和床架是成套购买的。




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