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This is merely a statement of fact.这仅仅是事实的说明Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words.音乐只是增强了她话语的力度。She merely filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels.她只是装满容器,用软木塞封住,然后贴上标签。They were graded from merely grossly fat to morbidly obese.他们被从重度肥胖划归到了病态肥胖。Close collaboration between the Bank and the Fund is not merely desirable, it is essential.银行与基金会的紧密合作不仅可取,而且必不可少。I am merely suggesting that there is more than one way to view this matter.我只是想说这件事情可以从多个角度来看。It was merely a suggestion.不过是建议一下而已。I merely advance a possibility.我只不过提出一种可能性而已。A written IQ test is merely a guideline.书面智商测试仅供参考。The king was merely a tool of the military regime.国王只是军人政权的傀儡而已。I was merely questioning whether we have the money to fund such a project.我只是想问问我们有没有钱来资助这样一个项目。The quality of his work was only/merely/barely adequate.他的工作质量很一般。In general, the students view these changes as merely cosmetic.大体上,学生们认为这些变化只是表面文章。The team needs players who want to play cricket for England, not merely any country that will have them.球队需要的是想为英格兰而战的板球选手,而不是愿为任何国家打球的选手。He was not a dishonourable man; he was merely a professional.他并非无德之人,仅仅是出于职业需要。She actually seemed pleased to see him: most of her visitors she merely tolerated.她看到他居然显得很高兴:她对于大多数拜访者都是勉强应酬。The drop in scores was merely an artifact of the way the test was administered.成绩下滑只不过是考试管理方式导致的一种假象。He was considered a war criminal who merely followed Adolf Hitler.他被视为一个盲目追随阿道夫·希特勒的战犯。Despite these problems, the government has merely applied sticking plasters and tried to knock heads together.尽管存在这些问题,政府仅仅是推出了治外伤贴膏药的方法并试图使各方和解。Some are born in slavery, others born merely poor.一些人出身于奴隶,另一些人只是出身于贫苦家庭。Success cannot be measured merely in terms of the size of your salary.成功与否不能仅以工资的多少来衡量。Ronni merely groaned in response.龙尼只是哼了一声,算是回答。When asked about what role he played in the scandal, he merely gave an astute answer.被问到他在弊案中扮演何种角色时,他给了一个狡猾的答案。The problem is a combination of religion and politics, and the other issues merely serve to embitter and intensify the conflict.这个问题涉及宗教与政治,而其他问题只会激化和加深冲突。He merely shrugged and walked away.他只是耸了耸肩就走开了。This disaster merely underlines the need for caution.这场灾难不过是凸显出谨慎的必要性。He was far from being merely a furniture expert.他绝不仅仅是一位家具专家。For the poorest people, life was merely a matter of survival.对最贫穷的人来说,生活只是争取活命。The medicine won't cure her - it merely stops the pain.这种药物不会治愈她的疾病,不过是止痛而已。She got the job merely because her father owns the company. 她能得到这份工作无非是因为她老爸是公司老板。The player insists that he merely took a cold remedy and not a banned substance.该运动员坚持说他只是服用了感冒药而不是什么禁药。His statement was merely conjectural, not proved.他的陈述只不过是猜测而已,并未得到证实。You shouldn't blame her. She was merely following orders. 你不应该指责她,她不过是服从命令而已。The choice of terms is merely a matter of practical expediency.选择措词只不过是一件视实际方便而定的事而已。He is titular head of state, and merely signs laws occasionally.他是名义上的国家元首,只是偶尔签署一下法律法规。Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem.媒体大量报道这些事件只会使问题持续下去。The President's position is merely ceremonial; it is the Chancellor who holds real power.总统的职位只是形式上的,掌实权的是总理。He sounded clinically objective, as if the question were merely academic.他听上去客观超脱,就好像这只是个学术问题。She no longer participates in sports but merely spectates. 她不再参加体育运动了,只是观战。The letter merely restated the law of the land.这封信只不过重复了一下土地法。 |