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词汇 supervision
例句 The teachers' meeting deals mostly with housekeeping issues such as lunchtime supervision duties.教师会议讨论的主要是一些杂务,例如午餐监督职责等。Trainees will receive personal supervision from experienced staff.见习人员会由经验丰富的员工亲自指导。Parental supervision is recommended.建议父母应加强看管自己的孩子。The after-school club offers homework supervision and outdoor activities.课外俱乐部提供作业辅导并组织户外活动。Children with eating disorders such as anorexia need close supervision.患有厌食症之类饮食失调的儿童需要严格指导。We were able to provide a modicum of supervision.我们能给予一点儿监督。The elections will be held under international supervision.选举将在国际社会监督下进行。He should be under constant medical supervision.他应该接受持续的医疗监护。Young children need constant supervision.幼童需要时刻有人照管。We work under the Chief Engineer's supervision.我们在总工程师的监督下工作。He was placed under a two-year supervision order.他被处以两年的监管。The baby needs constant supervision.宝宝时刻都要有人照看。We place each trainee under the care and supervision of an experienced member of staff.我们为每一位受训者都安排了一位有经验的员工来关照和监督他们。The local authority can apply for a supervision order for the child.地方政府可以为这名儿童申请监督令。Children of this age do not need constant supervision.这一年龄段的儿童已不需要一直管着了。More people will be doing the work with proper supervision and thus, more safely.更多人将在适当的监督下从事这项工作,因而会更安全。There are five people under her supervision.有五个人在她的监督之下。The plan calls for a ceasefire and U.N. supervision of the country.该计划呼吁停火并由联合国对该国进行监管。The medication should be taken under a doctor's supervision. = The medication should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.这种药物应该在医生的指导下服用。The patient must be kept under constant supervision.那病人必须一直受到监护。The head porter is responsible for the supervision and allocation of duties.门房总管负责监督和分配任务。The plan calls for a ceasefire and UN supervision of the country.该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督。He needs to be kept under strict supervision.他需要置于严格的监督之下。Dangerous prisoners need constant supervision.危险的犯人需要时时监管。A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times.刚学步的孩子时刻需要寸步不离的照看,并要牢牢看紧。The lethal chemical agents were slated for destruction under the army's supervision, either through incineration or chemical neutralization.这些致命的化学药剂预定在军方的监督下通过焚烧或化学中和销毁。The work was done under the direction/guidance/supervision of an architect. 这个工程是在建筑师的指挥/指导/监理下完成的。The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.只要选举在国际监督下进行,总统就不用下台。The children need constant supervision.孩子们需要得到经常性的监督。We ask the public to have their dogs neutered and keep them under close supervision.我们要求公众为自家的狗做绝育手术,并严格看管。The facilities offer only minimal supervision for young offenders.这些设施对年轻罪犯实行最低限度的监督。It was the first time I had ever traveled outside of the country, but, more significantly, it was the first time I had ever been outside of my parents' supervision.这是我第一次出国旅游。然而更重要的是,这是我第一次脱离了父母的监控外出。We worked under the close supervision of a trained professional.我们在一位训练有素的专业人士的细心指导下工作。She's responsible for the supervision of a large staff.她负责管理一大批员工。First-time licence holders have to work under supervision.初获执照者必须在指导下工作。The boys are being kept under close supervision for the rest of the term.本学期剩下的时间里男孩子们都会受到严格监督。Costumes and sets were also made under his supervision.服装和布景也是在他的指导下制作的。Children are not allowed to swim without adequate supervision.没有充分的监督,儿童不得游泳。They still require supervision by colleagues.他们仍然需要同事的指导。I was principally concerned with staff supervision.我做的主要是监督员工。




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