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词汇 supervisor
例句 The supervisor fired him after he showed up at work drunk.主管因为他上班时醉醺醺的把他开除了。The supervisor is quite easy to approach, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.这位主管很随和,所以有问题尽管问。Hines made no effort to conceal his antagonism towards his supervisor.海因斯毫不掩饰对上司的敌意。She went behind his back and spoke directly to his supervisor.她背着他直接向他的上司报告。Our old supervisor just retired, so they're looking for someone to fill his post.我们的老主管刚刚退休了,所以他们正在找人顶替他的位置。I felt like the supervisor was watching my every move.我觉得主管在监视我的一举一动。Hadley's drinking problem led co-workers to report him to the supervisor.哈德利的酗酒问题被同事向主管举报了。Progression to the rank of supervisor is not automatic.主管职位序列可不是自动晋升上去的。The supervisor keeps a watchful eye on the workers. 这名主管密切关注工人们的一举一动。Sometimes I think my supervisor has it in for me.有时候我觉得我的顶头上司故意在和我过不去。The supervisor held an informal meeting in his office.督导员在他的办公室开了一个不太正式的会议。She filed a grievance last year after her supervisor refused to promote her.去年,主管拒绝给她升职,她便为此正式投诉。As a supervisor, you can't be squeamish about firing people.你作为主管,在解雇员工时不能畏首畏尾。It's normal practice for your work to be checked by a supervisor.上级对你的工作进行检查是很正常的做法。The new workers need direction from a supervisor.新工人需要一位主管进行指导。As senior supervisor, she is in charge of training new employees.作为高级主管,她负责培训新来的员工。The typist received an admonition from the supervisor for being careless.那个打字员因粗心大意受到监督人的训诫。Now that you've reached the dizzy heights of supervisor, I suppose you won't be talking to us any more!现在你升到了主管这样的高位,我想你再不会跟我们说话了!Don't bother the supervisor with such petty matters.别为这种区区小事去麻烦管理人。I didn't notice the supervisor's name tag on his uniform.我没有注意到监督员制服上的名签。Morris is a bighead; he was a bighead even before he became a supervisor.莫里斯是个爱吹牛的人。他在当上主管之前已经是个自夸的家伙。Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation.每个学生都有导师指导他们写论文。The maintenance supervisor would dispatch a crew to repair the damage.维修管理人将派一组人去修理损坏的地方。You must receive approval from a supervisor before visiting a high-risk area.你要去高危地区先要得到主管的同意。The trainees work at their machines under instruction from a supervisor.学员在主管的指导下操作机器。He went over his supervisor's head to complain about the policy to the company's president. 他越过他的主管,直接向公司总裁申诉这个方针。The supervisor is quite approachable, so don't hesitate to bring up any problems you have.这个主管人相当和善,所以有问题尽管问。If you have a problem, go to your supervisor.如果有问题,要去咨询主管。He's taken up the position of supervisor.他已经开始担任监督员一职。If your supervisor or teammates demand that you shoulder more tasks, insist that they help you decide which of your other responsibilities to off-load.如果你的上司或队友要求你承担更多任务,一定要坚决要求他们帮你决定可以摆脱其他哪些责任。Your supervisor must approve the report before it can be sent.这份报告必须得到你的主管上司核准才能寄发。We still need to replace the office supervisor.我们仍需要更换办公室主任。The new supervisor is not in tune with the needs of the staff. 新主管并不了解员工的需求。A supervisor will evaluate each employee's performance.主管将对每名员工的工作表现做出评价。After dealing for so long with a difficult boss, our new supervisor is a breath of fresh air.在那个喜欢刁难人的老板手下干了这么长时间之后,见到新任主管我们都感觉耳目一新。She is a lunchtime supervisor at the local school.她是当地一所学校的午餐时间督导员。The supervisor played around with our work schedules this week.主管琢磨了一下,修改了我们这周的工作安排。He wanted to get back at his supervisor for criticizing him in front of the other workers.他被主管当着其他工人的面批评了一顿,所以要报复他。We wanted to be here early in case the whatsit, maintenance supervisor had forgotten to deal with it.我们想早点儿到这儿,以防那个什么维修主管忘了处理这件事。I wish to speak with your supervisor.我想和你的上司谈谈。




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