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例句 Of his origins he said very little, merely mentioning in parenthesis that his background was poor.关于他的身世他谈得很少,只是附带地提到他家境贫寒。It's worth mentioning that not all varieties are edible.不是所有的品种都可以食用,这一点值得提一提。At this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.说到这里,应该提一下,很多从婴儿时就被领养的人都无意与亲生父母相认。Barker sought to draw blood by mentioning his rival's weakness of character.巴克提及他对手性格上的缺点来使他难堪。I overheard them mentioning my name and pricked up my ears.我无意中听到他们提起我的名字后就竖起耳朵仔细听。They all avoided mentioning that name.他们都避免提及那名字。He avoided mentioning his family.他闭口不提他的家庭。Modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.我不好意思提起我的小说已经出版了。Dan's mentioning Julia pricked my conscience and I gave her a call.丹提起朱莉娅,让我感到良心不安,我就给她打了个电话。Just mentioning her father's death could set her off again.只要一提到她父亲的死就能使她又大哭起来。It is worth noting/mentioning that his father and mother are also doctors.值得注意/一提的是,他的父母也是医生。I hope I'm not treading on anyone's corns by mentioning this.我希望提起此事不会冒犯任何人。Just mentioning his poor marks to him was waving a red rag to a bull.一提他那可怜的分数,他就会勃然大怒。Sensing her discomfort, he apologized for mentioning her boyfriend.觉察到她的不自在,他为提到她的男友道歉。He was highly critical of the Prime Minister without mentioning him by name.他对首相持批评态度,但也没有指名道姓。It's so unimportant it's hardly worth mentioning.那不重要,几乎不值得一提。Diplomatically, he refrained from mentioning the divorce.他很圆滑,避而不谈离婚的事。Just mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull.只要提到他前妻的名字,他就会怒不可遏。I don't recall her mentioning him.我不记得她提到过他。It is worth mentioning that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.值得一提的是,幼儿在家特别容易发生意外。




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