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例句 His teeth slotted exactly into the bite marks in the apple.他的牙齿与苹果上的齿痕完全吻合。The overlap is marked in red.重叠处用红色标志出来了。His footsteps were clearly marked in the sand.他的脚印清晰地留在沙地上。She rubbed out the marks in the margin.她用橡皮把页边空白处的标记擦掉。The police were certainly quick off the mark in reaching the scene of the accident.警方确实反应迅速,很快到了事故现场。Eddie's brilliance brought him top marks in the Harvard entrance exam.埃迪出众的智力使他在哈佛大学的入学考试中名列榜首。She got top marks in maths and chemistry.她数学和化学得了最高分。He always gets top marks in French.他法语总是得最高分。We're at the halfway mark in the first period of play.我们现在是在第一节比赛赛程的中间点。You notice the little pencilled mark in the corner of the postcards that says when they have to be removed.注意这些明信片角上标明的它们何时要被取下的铅笔字标记。Once again, the French prove themselves to be quick off the mark in spotting a new rock phenomenon.法国人再次证明了他们能够迅速发现一个新摇滚现象。She got full marks in French.她法语得了满分。He gained full marks in the examination.他在考试中得了满分。She got very high marks in her geography exam.她的地理考试得分很高。The runners reached the halfway mark in the race after 49 seconds.比赛四十九秒钟后赛跑选手抵达了中点。What do those marks in the middle of the road mean?路中央的那些标识是什么意思?The marks in the ground attested the presence of a fossil.地上的痕迹证明了化石的存在。She's hoping to score full marks in the maths test.她希望在数学考试中得满分。I don't think the tractor came this way - there are no tyre marks in the mud.我想拖拉机不是从这个方向开过来的,泥地里没有轮胎印。Most students got marks in the seventies or eighties.大多数学生处于七八十分这个分数段。She came out with the second highest marks in the class.她考试成绩是全班第二名。As soon as the opportunity arose, he was quick off the mark in exploiting it.机会一出现,他马上就抓住了。We've reached the halfway mark in the show.演出我们已经看到一半了。He worked at several jobs, but he didn't make much of a mark in any of them.他做过好几份工作,但每份工作都没给人留下深刻的印象。Did you get a good mark in your physics test?你物理测验考得好吗?On this chart, the erector is marked in blue.在这张图上竖立肌以蓝色标志。Amy is doing extremely well in school and gets top marks in every class.埃米学习极好,各科成绩都很棒。The local shops have been marked in on this map so that people can choose a house in a suitable area.这张地图已将当地的一些商店增加进去,这样人们就能在适当的地区内选择住所。A newly-arrived executive is usually anxious to make his mark in a new firm.新上任的行政人员一般都急于要在新公司里做出一番成绩。He got the worst mark in the whole class.他的成绩是全班最差的。I don't know what her secret is but she always gets top marks in exams.我不知道她有什么秘诀,但她考试总是名列前茅。I got full marks in the history test.我历史测验得了满分。Most people in fact got full marks in one question and zero in the other.事实上大多数人都会在一个问题上得满分而在另一个问题上得零分。What's the pass mark in chemistry?化学及格分是多少?His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places.他的地理考分使他的名次提前了好几个档次。She began rubbing out the pencilled marks in the margin.她开始擦掉空白处的铅笔笔迹。The man had genius and had made his mark in the aviation world.这人很有天赋,在航空界非常出名。His marks in English have been below average for some time now.最近一段时间他的英语成绩一直低于平均水平。She barely earned passing marks in her first year of college.她在大学一年级时学习成绩勉强及格。Women are continuing to make their mark in business.女性继续在商界占据一席之地。




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