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词汇 grated
例句 She grated half of the carrots and diced the remainder.她把一半胡萝卜刨成丝,另一半切成丁。Try mooli grated with a little sesame oil or soy sauce.尝一下带一点芝麻油或酱油的白萝卜丝。Mix in the finely grated cheese.加入磨碎的干酪拌和。Sprinkle with the grated cheese.撒上磨碎的干酪。The stones beneath her shoes grated harshly.石子在她鞋底下吱嘎作响,声音很刺耳。Mr Fen had a loud voice that grated on her ears.芬先生嗓门很大,直刺她的耳朵。Even the name grated on his ears.甚至连那名字他都觉得刺耳。His manner always grated on me.他的态度总是让我感到气恼。Add the grated cheese to the sauce and stir it in.把磨碎的干酪加进调味汁中搅拌。Her nails grated against the wall.她的指甲刮擦墙壁发出刺耳的摩擦声。She sprinkled grated cheese on the pasta. = She sprinkled the pasta with grated cheese.她将擦碎的干酪撒在意大利面上。His chair grated as he got to his feet.他起身时椅子发出刺耳的蹭地声。Add the finely grated zest of one lemon.加入一个柠檬的磨碎的皮。The windows were strongly grated.窗子装了牢固的格栅。His rude manners and loud voice grated on me.他粗野的举止和大嗓门真让我受不了。The butter must remain in grated pieces for the pastry to puff up.黄油必须一直是碎粒状才能使油酥面皮鼓起。Sprinkle a tablespoonful of grated cheese over the pasta.把一大汤匙磨碎的奶酪撒在通心粉上。The gun barrel grated against the floor.枪管拖在地上发出刺耳的声音。Add the grated orange rind and toss the apple slices in the mixture.加入磨碎的橙皮,再将苹果片在其中轻拌。Add a little grated orange peel.加一点磨碎的橙皮。A bit of grated carrot lends some color to the dish. = A bit of grated carrot lends the dish some color.少量的胡萝卜丝给这盘菜增色。His breath grated as he worked.他干活时粗声喘气。The basic recipe can be adapted by adding grated lemon peel.可以加上擦碎的柠檬皮改变一下基本的烹制法。The music grated upon the nerves.那音乐使人神经受不了。The recipe calls for half a cup of grated cheese.这份食谱要求半杯碎末状奶酪。Hague's Yorkshire monotone grated on the radio and television.黑格那约克郡特有的单调语调刺耳地回响在广播和电视中。Season the pudding with grated fresh nutmeg.用磨碎的新鲜肉豆蔻给布丁调味。That shrill laugh grated on her.那种刺耳的笑声让她难受。Sprinkle the top of the dish with some finely grated cheese.在菜肴上撒一些磨得碎碎的干酪。Sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese and grill for a few minutes.将磨碎的奶酪撒在土豆上,然后烤上几分钟。A chair grated on the wooden boards.椅子在木板上蹭得嘎吱作响。Add the grated rind of a lemon.加入磨碎的柠檬皮。He added some grated carrot to the soup.他在汤里加了些胡萝卜丝。Finish with grated parmesan and a good grind of black pepper.最后撒上擦碎的干酪粉和丰富的黑胡椒末。




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