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词汇 grass on
例句 He refused to grass on his friends.他不肯告发他的朋友们。You grassed on us to save your own life.你为了自己活命就出卖了我们。He grassed on the other gang members.他告发了团伙的其他成员。The police would never have caught the jewel robbers if the prisoner had not grassed on them and told them where they were hiding.要不是这罪犯向警方告发了抢劫珠宝的同伙,并说出他们的藏身之地,警方不可能抓到这伙劫匪。His wife wants him to grass on the members of his own gang.妻子要他向警方告发他所在团伙的成员。She trod casually, enjoying the touch of the damp grass on her feet.她信步而行,享受着湿漉漉的草地触及双脚的感觉。




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