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词汇 grass
例句 Landscapers planted grass to stop the erosion of the hillside.景观设计师植草皮防止山坡风化。The party needs to win support at grass-roots level.该党需要赢得基层民众的支持。I want this work done quickly, so don't let the grass grow under your feet!赶紧办完这件事,别浪费时间了! There were no signs she'd been dragged across the grass.没有迹象表明她是被硬拖着穿过草地的。The tall grass divided as the man's boots kicked through it.当那人用靴子踢着穿过草丛时,高高的野草向两边分开。The hot sun scorched the grass.炎炎烈日把草晒枯了。A volleyball court had been marked out on the grass.已经在草地上划好了一个排球场。The grass was this high.草长得这么高。I took a load of rubbish and grass cuttings to the tip.我把一堆垃圾与修剪下的碎草运到了垃圾场。The grass was wet with dew.草上沾着露水。It can take several days of fine weather for the grass to dry out.要几天好天气草地才能干透。The truck chewed up the grass.卡车把草地压坏了。I have my cornflakes and smell the fresh air and the grass and it sets me up for the day.我吃了些脆玉米片,呼吸着充满青草气息的新鲜空气,这让我一天都充满活力。The grass serves as forage for livestock.这种草可以做牲畜的饲料。The grass had reached a great height.那些草已经长得很高了。The air was full of evocative smells of flowers and freshly cut grass.空气里充满了引起回忆的花香和新修剪的青草香味。She's in the back garden cutting the grass.她在后花园剪草。In the early evening, she wets down the grass with a hose.傍晚,她用软管给草地浇水。The alligators build their nests out of grass near the water's edge.短吻鳄在水边用草给自己搭窝。Synthetic turf was installed in the playing field instead of grass.运动场地铺设的是人造草坪,而非真草坪。The ball landed softly in the grass.球轻轻地落在草地上。We sat on the shady grass for our picnic.我们坐在阴凉的草地上野餐。Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.在青贮窖发明之前,冬季奶牛产奶较少,因为没有青饲料可以吃。My uncle's been put out to grass and now has nothing to do all day.我叔叔被解雇了,现在整天无所事事。Someone is trimming the grass outside with shears.有人在外面用大剪刀修剪草坪。A grass-roots rebellion has flared nationwide against the proposed law.在全国爆发了下层民众反对拟议法律的叛乱。We finally found a patch of grass to sit down on.我们最后找到一小片草地可以坐下来。We used some dry grass as tinder to light the campfire.我们用一些干草作为引子来点燃篝火。I sometimes think I'd be happier teaching in Spain. Oh well, the grass is always greener on the other side!我有时会觉得在西班牙教书会更开心。嗨,真是的,这山望着那山高啊。The path was concealed by long grass.小路隐藏在长长的草丛里。He plopped himself down on the grass.他一屁股坐在草地上。With one accord they turned and walked back over the grass.他们步调一致地转身走过草坪。The dog went for a roll in the grass.狗跑到草丛里打了个滚。A sudden breeze rustled the long dry grass.突然刮来一阵风,吹得这片高高的干草沙沙作响。The grass was wet with the morning dew.青草被晨露打湿了。The decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting the grass roots.这些决定是党的领导层未与基层党员协商就作出的。We don't mess with grass or heroin or any of that stuff.我们和大麻或海洛因一类东西没有缘分。I sprinkled grass seed over the soil.我在这片地里撒上了草籽。Their four children turn cartwheels in the grass as we talk.我们说话时,他们的四个孩子在草地上玩侧手翻。Low hedges round lawns discourage people from walking on the grass.草坪四周的矮树篱阻拦人们踏上草地。




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