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词汇 mangled
例句 He mangled the music by his terrible playing.他胡奏乱弹糟塌了乐曲。My sweater got mangled in the washing machine.我的毛衣被洗衣机绞坏了。He was badly mangled in an automobile accident.他在一次车祸中被压得血肉模糊。He mangled the speech.他的那次演讲很差劲。The orchestra had mangled Bach's music.那个乐团糟蹋了巴赫的音乐。His leg had been mangled by an explosion.他的一条腿在一次爆炸中被炸烂了His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.他的身体被压得血肉模糊,根本无法辨认。They mangled my favorite song!他们糟蹋了我最喜欢的歌!As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it hardly made any sense.他朗读这首诗时完全不合韵律,致使诗歌听上去毫无意义。The font and type size were altered, and the line breaks were mangled.字体和字号变了,行间距也乱了。The newspaper mangled the story. 报纸胡乱地报道了这条消息。She put a dressing on the mangled toe.她包扎砍伤的脚趾。His arm was mangled in the machine.他的手臂被机器绞得血肉模糊。




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