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词汇 mandate
例句 He failed in his mandate.他有辱使命。They carried out the governor's mandate to build more roads.他们执行州长的指令,修建了更多的道路。She has received a clear mandate for educational reform.她已获得推行教育改革的明确授权。Sometimes a President thinks he has more of a mandate than he really does.有时候一个总统会认为他所拥有的不仅仅是他实际上拥有的权力。There is no mandate to raise taxes.增税没有得到授权。How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation?.独立检察官受命调查这件事还要多长时间?The General Election gave the party a mandate for economic reform.大选给这个党提出了进行经济改革的要求。It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.不经选民授权就统辖一个地区是不民主的。They accused him of acting without a mandate.他们指控他未经授权而行事。A mandate from the UN would be needed before any plans could be implemented.执行任何计划都需要联合国的授权。The union already has a mandate from its conference to ballot for a strike .工会已经得到大会的授权为罢工进行投票。Part of winning a mandate is having clear goals and not boxing yourself in.要想取得授权,需要制定明确的目标,但不能束缚住自己的手脚。A mandate from the U.N. would be needed before any plans could be implemented.须等联合国授权后才能实施计划。The party sought a mandate to reform the constitution.这个政党寻求授权修改宪法。The President may read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.总统可能会将这次投票结果解读为继续实施经济改革的指令。His mandate was to find the best available investment.他受命找到可望获利最多的投资。The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate.比利时人依照国际联盟的授权接管了卢旺达。These proposals hope to reduce traffic and mandate lower speed limits.这些提议希望减少交通量并规定更低的时速限制。His position was strengthened by a powerful conservative mandate.他因有保守势力的强大支持而地位得以巩固。The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform.总统及其支持者几乎肯定地认为这次投票是对继续进行经济改革的授权。Matters debated in meetings do not become a mandate automatically.会议上讨论的事宜并不能自动成为一项指令。The UN rush to mandate war totally ruled out any alternatives.联合国匆匆授权开战,完全排除了其他选择。They ruled the country under a United Nations mandate.他们受联合国委任代管该国。Ours was the first state to mandate the change.我们州第一个提出必须进行这项改革。The president's tough line is, however, buttressed by a democratic mandate.然而,总统推行的强硬路线受到了民主党发布的训令的支持。The government has a mandate from the people to increase taxes.民众授权政府增加税收。He won the election so convincingly that he believed he had been given a mandate for change/reform.他在竞选中大获全胜,因此他认为自己被授予了改革的权力。He will have to step down at the end of his mandate.他任期届满时将不得不下台。The party was elected with a mandate to reduce the size of government.该党当选时肩负着精简政府机构的使命。




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