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词汇 want
例句 Victims want to see justice done not just for themselves, but for the greater good of society.受害者希望正义得到伸张,这不仅是为了他们自己,也是为了社会的更广泛的利益。I didn't want to hear another one of his tired excuses.我不想听他的又一个老掉牙的借口。I want to get off on the right foot with your parents.我希望与你父母的关系有个好的开端。If you want anything just sing out.需要什么就喊一声。What do you do if you want to discuss something that's not on the agenda?如果想讨论议事日程以外的事,你怎么办?We want to make this a truly memorable day for the children.我们想让今天成为孩子们永远难忘的日子。You have to know how to push all the right buttons if you want to be a successful diplomat.如果你想成为一个成功的外交官,你必须懂得如何抓住要害得到你想要的东西。Would you want to live in a small, one-horse town for your whole life?你想在一个闭塞落后的小镇上过一辈子吗?I'll give you a game of chess if you want.你想的话我就陪你下一盘国际象棋。People just want a good tune and a good bop.人们只是希望能伴着欢快的曲子尽情地跳博普舞。Individualists say that you should be able to wear what you want.特立独行者认为人应该想穿什么就穿什么。The seat of those trousers looks a little tight. Do you want to try a larger size?那条裤子的臀部有点儿紧绷绷的,你要不要试试大一码的?Most fellows of your age want to sow their oats.大多数你这个年龄的人想要纵情玩乐。I want to buy a hat and a pair of boots, among other things.除了别的东西,我想买顶帽子和一双皮靴。Keep your voice down, we don't want the whole street to hear us!小声点儿,我们不想叫整条街都听见!You want to be more careful.你应该更小心些。They want the males to mate with wild females.他们希望这些雄性动物可以和野生的雌性动物交配。I don't want you to see that boy again. Understand?/Do you understand?/Is that understood?我不想让你再和那个男孩见面,明白吗?We need a treasurer. Does anyone want to nominate somebody?我们需要一位财务主管,有谁想提名某个人吗?We want to make sure that all children are able to fulfil their potential.我们想确保所有的小孩子都能充分发挥自己的潜能。There is nothing more annoying than queueing when you only want to pay in a few cheques.没有比你只想存几张支票还得排队更令人恼火的了。Shall we go out now, or do you want to eat first?我们现在出去,还是你想先吃东西?I don't want you to worry. Sleep well.我不想让你担心,好好睡吧。He can't pay the rent, but he still doesn't want to ask his parents for money.他付不出房租,但仍不想向父母要钱。If you want to meet them, I can fix it.如果你要见他们,我可以安排。You may not want to believe me, but I do know a thing or two.你也许不相信我,但我确实是很了解的。I didn't want anyone to know about it, it was my secret.我不想任何人知道这件事,这是我的秘密。I've had such a tiring day. I just want to take a bath and go to bed.我今天太累了,我去洗个澡就上床睡觉。You'll have to move fast if you want to get a place on the course.要想取得这门课程的名额,你得赶快行动。I want no part of the making of this weapon.我不想参与制造这种武器。We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.我们要满足每一个孩子的最大需求,也要照顾到其他孩子的利益。If ever the occasion arises when I want advice, you're the first person I'll come to.如果我需要建议的话,我第一个就来找你。Rub on some mosquito repellent, if you don't want to be stung.你如果不想被蚊子叮,就擦上些驱蚊剂吧。He's everything you'd ever want in a man - bright, funny and attractive.他具备你理想中男人的所有特质——聪明、风趣而又有魅力。I just want to be treated with the same respect that others are treated with.我只是想得到跟其他人同等的尊重。He didn't want somebody's death on his conscience.他不愿某个人的死让他的良心受到谴责。Advertisers want to reach younger viewers.广告商想要赢得年轻观众。She was one of those people who could turn on the waterworks in order to get what they want.她是那种为了达到目的说哭就哭的人。The smell made me want to vomit.那气味令我作呕。I don't want to shanghai her into going with me.我不想强迫她跟我一起去。




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