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词汇 want to
例句 He's got the right man and wants to try him out on the job.他找到了合适的人,想在实际工作中考察他一番。I know I can't really afford it, but I want to buy her something nice.我知道我并非真的负担得起,但是我想给她买样好点的东西。I don't want to make trouble for her.我不想给她添麻烦。She felt her biological clock ticking away and wanted to have a baby as soon as possible.她感觉自己年龄太大快不能生了,所以想尽早生个孩子。My boss is usually nice, but she has a terrible temper and you don't want to cross her.我的老板通常人很好,但是她脾气暴躁,没人敢反对她。From the moment he set eyes on her he knew that he wanted to marry her.从他见到她的那刻起,他就知道他想要娶她。You had to go into politics if you wanted to change the world.要是你想改变社会就得从政。I'd like to fight him because he's undefeated and I want to be the first man to beat him.我想和他对阵,因为他从没有输过,而我想成为打败他的第一人。I only want to hitch a ride home.我只是想免费搭便车回家。I wanted to pay him back for all the pain he caused me.鉴于他给我带来的所有痛苦,我要报复他。Hurting you is the last thing I'd want to do.我根本就不想伤害你。They wanted to shut Mary up in a mental hospital.他们想把玛丽关进精神病院。The firm wanted to chisel him out of his overtime pay.公司想要剥夺他的超时加班费。I want to double-check to make certain.我要复核一下以便加以确定。If a lot of people want to come, more coaches will be laid on for them.如果想来的人很多,那就要为他们提供更多的大巴。No, I don't want to watch that. It's a repeat.不,我不想看那个。那是重播节目。I don't want to go tonight but I can't think up a good excuse.我今晚不想去,但又想不出一个好的借口。I couldn't make up my mind which college I wanted to go to.我无法决定自己要上哪所大学。Why do they want to poodle the poor kid up?他们干吗要精心地把这可怜的小家伙打扮起来?We wanted to laugh but didn't dare.我们想笑,但是不敢。We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash.我们想买这幢房子,但拿不出这笔现款。Look, I don't want to argue with you, so just lay off.你听我说,我不想和你吵,所以别来烦我。You don't want to ruin your nice dress.你不想把自己漂亮的裙子弄坏吧。I want to noose you, may I?我想和你结婚,你答应吗?I don't want to go out to dinner with him and his lawyer friends - all they ever do is talk shop.我不想跟他和他的律师朋友一起出去吃晚饭—他们从来只会谈论自己的工作。I want to be left in privacy.我想一个人待着。Sh! You want to listen or don't you?嘘!你到底想不想听啊?You'll have to run if you want to catch the bus.如果你想赶上公共汽车的话,你就得快跑。You need to think big if you want to succeed.要想成功必须立大志。She did not want to make the same mistake again.她不想再犯同样的错误。One of the jurors agreed to talk about the experience, but did not want to be named.其中一名陪审员愿意谈论这次经历,但不想披露姓名。Mummy! I want to go to the toilet.妈妈,我要上厕所。Her refusal was merely a gesture; she really wanted to go.她之所以拒绝只不过是装装样子,其实她是想去的。I didn't want to be tied to driving her to work every day.我不想每天都被束缚着开车送她去上班。I've always wanted to overcome my fear of spiders.我一直想克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。She wants to forget about the past. = She wants to put the past behind her.她想忘记过去。You'll really have to knuckle down if you want to pass the examination.你如果想通过考试,你确实必须开始认真学习了。Well, well, I don't want to start on anyone today.够了,我今天不想和任何人吵架。Do you want to surface your secrets to me?你想把你的秘密告诉我吗?As a family, we want to preserve the traditions of Jewish culture and religion.作为一个家庭,我们想要保持犹太文化和宗教的传统。




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