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词汇 make a decision
例句 We can't make a decision until we have more/further/additional information.我们要有更多信息才能做决定。They have to make a decision soon. Therein lies the problem. If they act too quickly, they run the risk of choosing the wrong plan.他们得马上做出决定。这就是问题所在。如果他们行动过快,就有选择错误计划的风险。He never makes a decision until almost the last moment.他从来都是等到最后一刻才作决定。We need more information before we make a decision.在作决定前我们需要更多信息。Stop shilly-shallying and make a decision now!别再犹豫了,现在就作决定吧!They wanted me to make a decision there and then.他们要我当场作出决定。I didn't want to make a decision about it by myself, so I called Judy.此事我不想独自一人做决定,所以就打电话给朱迪。He argued that it's far too early to make a decision.他争辩说现在做决定还为时过早。We've reached a point where we have to make a decision.我们已经到了必须做出决定的时刻。If a woman makes a decision to have a child alone, she should bear that responsibility alone.如果一个女人决定独自抚养孩子,她就必须独自承担所有责任。They're pressuring him to make a decision.他们在逼迫他做出决定。You should take some time to reflect before you make a decision.你应该花些时间仔细考虑后再做决定。There is no hurry to make a decision.没有必要匆忙作出决定。If you don't hurry up and make a decision, you could miss the chance of a lifetime.要是不赶紧作决定的话,你就会失去这个千载难逢的机会。We have to make a decision one way or another about what needs to be done.不管怎样,我们必须决定需要做什么。We're waiting to see what comes out of the inquiry before we make a decision.我们在等着看这次调查会产生什么样的结果,然后再作决定。Someday soon you're going to have to make a decision.不久后的某一天,你就需要作出决定。Don't be precipitate - think it through before you make a decision.别太仓促——作决定前再好好想想。The only thing to do is to fling caution to the winds and make a decision,right or wrong;anything is better than uncertainty.惟一的途径就是无论正确与否都要不顾一切做出一个决定;犹豫不决是最糟糕的了。I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision.我想花点时间斟酌斟酌再作决定。The time has come to stop hesitating and make a decision.现在应该停止优柔寡断并做出决定了。Think it over carefully before you make a decision.作决定之前要仔细考虑。He is pressing us for a decision. = He is pressing us to make a decision.他正催我们做决定。Think it out properly before you make a decision.考虑周全之后再作决定。He should stop dodging/avoiding the issue and make a decision now.他不应该再躲避/回避问题,现在做出决定。Let me pause on these matters for a time before I make a decision.让我仔细考虑一下这些事情,然后再做出决定。Once we have all the relevant information, we can make a decision.我们一旦掌握了所有的相关信息,就可以作出决定。Time is running out. You'll have to make a decision soon.时间不多了,你得尽快做出决定。The prime minister should be able to make a decision without having to explain all the whys and wherefores to a bunch of journalists.首相应该可以作出决定而不必要向一群记者解释原因。He'll make a decision in his own good time.他将在自己觉得合适的时候做决定。We don't have to make a decision about that now, let's think about it for a day or two.那件事我们不需要现在就作出决定,让我们考虑一两天吧。Please don't make a decision without me.请不要背着我做决定。He's putting pressure on me to make a decision.他在对我施加压力,逼我作出决定。She had to make a decision on the spot.她必须马上作出决定。You should make a decision without prejudice to our rights.你作出的决定应该不损害我们的权益。We need to make a decision now.我们现在就需要作决定。The document will need a careful going-over before we can make a decision.文件要经过仔细审查,然后我们才能作出决定。We can't make a decision yet. Let's just play it by ear.我们还不能做出决定,让我们见机行事。We can't make a decision until we have all the relevant information.我们要掌握所有相关信息后才能作决定。Before we make a decision, does anyone want to say anything else?趁我们还未作决定,还有人想说什么吗?




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