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Jett maintains that he is completely innocent of the charges against him.面对指控,杰特坚称自己是完全清白无辜的。He maintains a vigilant watch over his property.他时刻警惕地关注着自己的财产。He maintains that such decisions are best left to local authorities.他主张这类决定最好交给地方当局。She maintains a busy practice as a leading silk in employment law.作为雇佣法方面的首席王室律师,她业务繁忙。She maintains a private practice as a mental health consultant.她作为一名精神健康顾问经营着一家私人事务所。The president maintains an iron grip on his country.总统对国家实行铁腕统治。The company maintains a high degree of liquidity.公司保持着很高的资产折现力。GM maintains a long-standing policy of not commenting on market speculation and rumour.通用汽车公司一贯的政策是,对市场的投机行为和谣传不作评论。Mr. Smith maintains his son at college.史密斯先生供养念大学的儿子。She still maintains a close relationship with her college roommate.她和大学室友仍然保持着密切的关系。Someone maintains that eating too much trans fat is detrimental.有些人认为,吃太多的反式脂肪是有害的。The clinic now maintains an adequate supply of vaccine so that it won't be caught with its pants down if there is a flu outbreak two years in a row.诊所现在保证了充足的疫苗供应,即便连续两年爆发流感也不会措手不及。The man with whom she maintains a relationship provides nothing by way of support.和她长期保持关系的那个男人并没有提供任何帮助。My mother always maintains that I learned to talk at six months.我母亲总是坚持说我六个月大就学说话了。He maintains an active membership in the association.他一直是协会的活跃会员。She maintains that the role of Marianne in Sense and Sensibility was her breakout role.她坚称自己是凭借在《理智与情感》中饰演的玛丽安娜一角一炮走红的。He maintains Islam must adapt to modern society.他坚决主张伊斯兰教必须适应现代社会。He maintains that everything is going according to plan.他坚称一切都在按计划进行。The army maintains a constant presence in the area.军队常驻这一地区。The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry.这个部门与化工行业保持着众多密切的联系。She maintains that my theory is flawed.她坚持说我的理论有缺陷。The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry.这个部门与化工行业在多方面保持着密切的联系。The missile system, Bush maintains, will protect the US against so-called rogue states.布什坚持说导弹系统可以保护美国不受所谓的无赖国家的侵害。The hotel maintains traditional standards of elegance, style, and grace.这家宾馆保持着传统的优雅格调。She maintains a certain orderliness in all these things.她使这一切东西保持有条不紊。NASA maintains a small army of engineers.美国国家航空航天局供养着为数不多的一群工程师。The country maintains a strong military purely for defence / defense.该国保有一支强大的纯防御性军队。The company maintains a high degree of liquidity.公司保持着很高的资产折现度。The Society maintains that the majority of cross-dressers are heterosexual.该协会认为大多数变装者都是异性恋。The operation of the free market maintains an equilibrium between supply, demand and price.自由市场的运作使得供应、需求与价格之间保持平衡。Frank maintains his car very well.法兰克把自己的车子保养得很好。The defendant maintains his innocence.被告坚称自己无罪。The British government maintains that Donavan is a common criminal who should be brought to justice.英国政府坚称多纳文是一名普通罪犯,应当绳之以法。This clothing maintains your body warmth.这种衣服可以保持体温。He maintains a sense of optimism, despite all that has happened.尽管发生了这一切,他仍保持着乐观的态度。Harrison maintains that the pair were not in contact for over 10 years.哈里森坚称他们俩已超过十年没联系了。He maintains two weblogs on economic topics.他维护着两个经济专题的博客。He maintains that he once saw a UFO.他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟。She maintains a hectic schedule as a journalist and mother.她作为记者和母亲一直把日程安排得满满的。The site maintains a listing of free events for children in the area.这个网站上有一份为当地孩子准备的免费活动的清单。 |