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词汇 guarding
例句 The brute guarding him beat him to a pulp.那个看守他的凶汉把他打得一塌糊涂。The truck was halted by soldiers guarding the bridge.卡车被守桥的士兵拦住了。There were several soldiers guarding the main gate.大门有几名士兵把守。There were two soldiers guarding the main gate.有两个士兵把守着大门。Recent intrusions into the lives of public figures have highlighted the lack of laws guarding privacy in Britain.最近在英国,侵犯公众人物私生活的事件突出了缺乏保护隐私权的法律的问题。They were guarding the bridge, so we forded the river.他们驻守在那座桥上,所以我们只能涉水过河。Police patrol at night guarding the town.警察夜间巡逻,护卫城市。Soldiers were guarding the approaches to the city.士兵把守着进城的道路。The company is fiercely guarding its independence.公司竭尽全力捍卫自身的独立。An army lieutenant and 14 soldiers were guarding the air strip.一名陆军中尉和十四名士兵守护着简易机场。He blustered his way past the man guarding the entrance.他怒气冲冲地闯过那守门人。One of the soldiers guarding the palace fainted in the heat.其中一名守卫皇宫的士兵热得晕了过去。They have been guarding the details of their research.他们一直对他们研究的细节保密。




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