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词汇 guard
例句 Stubbs was an ex-convict who got a job as a security guard.谋到了一份保安工作的斯塔布斯以前曾因犯罪入狱。He presented his ID to the security guard.他向安检人员出示他的身份证件。He was arrested and placed under guard. 他被拘捕并被看管起来。The invitation had caught me off guard.收到这份邀请让我颇感意外。A solider stood guard outside the palace.一个士兵在宫殿外站岗。The guard insisted that we show him our ID's.保安坚持要求我们出示身份证明。Any cautious tourist will guard her passport.谨慎的游客都会保管好自己的护照。The security guard stared at us suspiciously.警卫怀疑地盯着我们。They rushed the guard and stole his keys.他们突袭卫兵并偷走了他的钥匙。The guard stood straight as a ramrod.守卫笔直地站着。Armed police stand guard outside the house.武装警察在房外守卫。The Sergeant told Swift to guard the entrance.中士叫斯威夫特守着入口。He always has/keeps his guard up during negotiations.谈判期间他总是保持着警惕。He swung at me and I brought my guard up.他挥拳向我打来,我摆出了防御的姿势。We had to bribe the border guard to let us through.我们不得不买通边境守卫,放我们过境。I hope we'll be able to bluff our way past the guard.我希望我们可以骗过保安。The guard looked us up and down and then let us in.警卫把我们上下打量了一番后让我们进去。He was under instructions to guard the key with his life.他奉命要拼死守住钥匙。The guard blew his whistle and the train started.列车长吹响哨子,火车便开动了。A guard was blowing his whistle.一个警卫正在吹警笛。The old guard of leaders are closed off behind walls built of yesterday's ideology.保守领导人被隔绝在用过时的意识形态建造的高墙后面。I half expected the American to pick up the spare machine pistol and mount guard over the operation.我有点盼望那个美国人能拿起闲着的冲锋枪保卫此次行动。She's not popular with the old guard.她不受保守派的欢迎。Scotland Yard detailed an officer to guard his house.伦敦警察厅派了一名警官去守卫他的房子。Nurses should guard against becoming too attached to their patients.护士应该防止自己对病人产生过多的感情依恋。The guard nudged the prisoner forward.看守把那个囚犯向前推了推。Scotland Yard sent an officer to guard his house.苏格兰场派了一位警官去守护他的房子。Exercise can guard against a number of illnesses.运动可预防许多疾病。Toure shrugged off the guard's arm and got to his feet.图雷甩开卫兵的手,站了起来。He had to be escorted from the building by a security guard.他不得不在一名保安的护卫下离开了大楼。An alert guard stopped the robbers.机警的门卫拦住了劫匪。The guard stood immobile by the gate.警卫一动不动地站立在门口。A military guard was injured in the aborted coup.一个卫兵在这次失败的政变中受了伤。They jealously guard their independence.他们极力守护着自己的独立。The guard stood stolidly at his post.守卫面无表情地站在哨位上。Owing to rough weather, the coast guard had been forced to abandon the search.由于天气恶劣,海岸警卫队被迫放弃搜索。She managed to talk her way past the guard. 她设法说服保安让她过去了。This is no time for the world to let down its guard agaist terrorism.现在不是世界人民可以对恐怖主义放松警惕的时候。Her angry response caught me off guard. 她愤怒的回应让我措手不及。He showed the guard his ticket.他向门卫出示了入场券。




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