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词汇 Guards
例句 Guards stood on either side of the gate.卫兵分站在大门的两侧。Guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations.核电站周围要设置卫兵。Guards patrolled the perimeter fence.警卫在四周的围栏边巡逻。Guards at the embassy refused to let journalists enter.使馆的警卫拒绝让记者进入。Guards flanked the entrance.门口两旁有卫兵把守。Guards shadowed the escaped prisoners for several miles before capturing them.警卫跟踪了那些越狱者好几英里才抓到他们。The Imperial Guards presented homage to the king.皇家警卫队向国王宣誓效忠。Guards in the lobby prevent employees from going off with computers and sensitive documents.大堂里有警卫防止员工拿走电脑和敏感的文件。Her father was a major in the Scots Guards.她父亲曾是苏格兰近卫团的少校。Guards were everywhere, barring all exits.警卫到处都是,把住了所有的出口。Colonel Sailing commands the Guards Regiment.赛林上校统率着近卫团。A rescue was attempted by Coast Guards, but it was not successful.海岸警卫队曾尝试拯救,但未能成功。Guards involved in drug deals went unpunished.涉及毒品交易的卫兵未受惩罚。Guards had been posted all around the TV studio.整个电视演播室周围都设置了警卫。Guards stood watchfully at the gate.警卫们警惕地站在大门口。He joined the second battalion of the Grenadier Guards.他加入了英国近卫步兵第一团第二营。Guards confiscated knives and other weapons from the prisoners.看守没收了囚犯的刀和其他武器。The funeral hearse was followed by cars full of friends, and a company of Life Guards brought up the rear.灵车后面跟随着一辆辆坐满亲朋好友的小汽车,一个近卫骑兵团殿后。Guards made sure that the food supplies didn't fall into the wrong hands.卫兵确保食物供给不落敌手。Guards have been ordered to shoot anyone trying to escape.卫兵接到命令,逃跑者格杀勿论。The boat was intercepted by US Coast Guards.这艘船被美国海岸警卫队队员截获。Guards rushed into his cell and strung him up.狱吏冲进牢房把他吊死了。We watched the trooping of the colour live from Horse Guards Parade.我们观看了在皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场举行的军旗列队仪式的直播。Lord Montgomery inspected a guard of honour of the Irish Guards.蒙哥马利勋爵检阅了爱尔兰卫队的一支仪仗队。Guards fringed the building to protect it from the rioters.卫兵密集地站在大楼四周防止暴徒攻击。




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