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词汇 真空
例句 He vacuumed the hall.他用真空吸尘器打扫了大厅。He was in the middle of vacuuming when I arrived.我到的时候他正忙着用真空吸尘器打扫。Washing machines and vacuum cleaners are timesaving devices.洗衣机和真空吸尘器是省时的设备。We could not pull apart two plates which enclosed a vacuum.如果两个盘子间是真空,我们就无法将它们分开。The brush detaches from the vacuum cleaner for easy cleaning.将刷子从真空吸尘器上拆下以便于清洗。The conversation ended when the vacuum cleaner started up.真空吸尘器一开,谈话就结束了。The vacuum cleaner is acting up again.真空吸尘器又出毛病了。Vacuum cleaners, washing machines and refrigerators are household appliances.真空吸尘器、洗衣机和电冰箱都是家用设备。Sometimes a vacuum extractor is used instead of forceps.有时用真空吸出器而不用产钳。Does the vacuum cleaner interfere with radio or TV?真空吸尘器干扰收音机和电视机吗?If nature abhors a vacuum, journalists abhor a transition, when there is little news to cover.好比自然界拒绝真空一样,新闻工作者则厌恶没有多少新闻可供报道的过渡时期。Two plates which enclosed a vacuum could not be pulled apart.两只合拢的盘子如果中间是真空,那就扳不开。The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板类型的传感器。The vacuum cleaner has various attachments.这台真空吸尘器有各种附件。The picture on our TV is spoilt by interference from your vacuum cleaner.我们电视机上的图像因受你们真空吸尘器的干扰而不清晰了。She hoovered the carpet.她用真空吸尘器清理了地毯。The salesman gave us a demo of the vacuum cleaner, and it seemed to work very well.推销员向我们演示了真空吸尘器的用法,它似乎很好用。Joe sold vacuum cleaners door to door for years.乔多年来一直在挨家挨户推销真空吸尘器。There's a special brush you can attach to the vacuum cleaner, which is handy for cleaning the stairs.有一种专门的刷子可以装在真空吸尘器上,清洁楼梯很方便。The vacuum cleaner comes with a full ten-year guarantee against burnout.此款真空吸尘器有整十年的过热故障保修期。The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room.元帅迈过真空吸尘器,脚步沉重地走出了房间。A pump was used to create a vacuum inside the bottle.用泵把瓶内抽成了一个真空We tested a selection of vacuum cleaners, from old faithfuls to those with the latest features.我们测试了各种真空吸尘器,从值得信赖的老牌子到有着最新特色的产品,不一而足。The vacuum cleaner picks up dirt by suction.真空吸尘器凭吸力吸尘。A perfect vacuum would consist literally of nothing.在完全的真空中可以说什么东西都没有。The vacuum has an unpleasant smell.那个真空吸尘器有股很难闻的气味。The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.即使平放,这个真空水杯也是滴水不漏。I spent the morning hoovering.我一早上都在用真空吸尘器打扫卫生。Other gases rush in to fill the vacuum.其他气体涌进来充满真空We found the vac easy to push.我们发现这种真空吸尘器很容易推着走。He could hear the whirr of a vacuum cleaner.他能听到真空吸尘器的嗡嗡声。The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased.随着外部气压的增强,管内真空使管中发生内爆。The collapse of the army left a vacuum in the area.这支军队的溃败使这个地区出现了军事真空She works overtime with her vacuum cleaner to keep grit out of the kitchen.她动用真空吸尘器力争不让厨房出现一粒沙砾。This little vacuum cleaner is a mighty mite. 这个真空吸尘器虽然小但功能很强大。Remember to put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet after you've used it.真空吸尘器用完后记得放回到壁橱里。The machine then creates a vacuum.这样机器便制造出一个真空The spinning turbine creates a vacuum.旋转的涡轮形成了一块真空区域。The porter turned off the vacuum.清洁工关掉真空吸尘器。The vacuum cleaner attachments help clean in tight spaces.真空吸尘器的附件能帮助清洁狭小的空间。




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