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词汇 look like
例句 It looks like a long, cold winter.看来这是个漫长的寒冬。He makes 'em look like bozos.他使他们看上去像笨蛋似的。Mary has such a well-ordered household - it makes ours look like total chaos.玛丽把家里打理得井井有条—我们家相比之下真是杂乱无章。Liverpool scored early on and never looked like being beaten.利物浦队早早取得了进球,看起来胜券在握。You have no right to judge other people because of what they look like or what they believe.你无权因他人的外貌或信仰而妄下评语。From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects.从摩天大楼顶上往下看,下面的汽车小得像昆虫一样。It looks like Jamie has left for good this time.这一次杰米看起来是永远离开了。He looked like a shoo-in to win South Carolina's Republican presidential primary.他似乎稳操胜券,能在南卡罗来纳州共和党总统候选人初选中胜出。The plane looked like it would crash.那架飞机看起来像要坠毁。With his shorts and camera around his neck, he looked like a typical tourist.他穿着短裤,脖子上挂了个照相机,看起来就像一个典型的游客。It looks like a big house, but inside it's a different story.它看上去像是一栋大房子,但里面却不是这么回事。I want to wear something that will make me look like a no-nonsense professional.我想穿得看上去像是个严肃的专业人士。The doublet looks like genuine precious stone.这仿宝石看上去像真宝石。To an outsider this looks like an idyllic life.在局外人看来这好像是一种田园式的生活。The painting doesn't look like her. The face is too elongated.这幅画不像她。她的脸被画得太长了。I look like a real dork in this uniform.我穿着这制服好像一个傻瓜。He looked like a madman, foaming at the mouth.他口吐白沫,看上去像个疯子。What is education going to look like tomorrow?未来的教育会是什么样子?Although it doesn't look like it, the whole thing is highly organized.尽管看起来不像,但这整件事都是精心安排的。He looked like he was thirty, maybe thirty-five years old.他看上去有三十岁,也许三十五岁。The Europeans had hoped to win, and, indeed, had looked like winning.欧洲人早就想赢了,而且他们看上去的确是一副要赢的样子。It looks like a simple case of burglary, but there may be more to it than meets the eye.这案子看上去像一起纯粹的盗窃案,但也许并不是这么简单。It looks like it's threatening to rain. 看起来要下雨了。It looks like the party tonight is a go.看起来今天的晚会将如期举行。He looked like a bit of a plank.他看起来有点蠢。Shorthand just looks like a series of funny squiggles to me.速记在我看来就像是一串扭来扭去的奇怪线条。They look like securing another overwhelming majority.他们看来将再一次获得绝对的多数票。It looks like it's fixing to rain. 看起来要下雨了。He was nasty about my appearance. If I dressed up he'd say I looked like a tart.他对我的外表要求很苛刻,我要是打扮打扮,他就会说我像荡妇。That smart-ass said your girlfriend looks like a dog.那个自以为是的家伙说你的女友看起来像只狗。When our cat was pregnant she looked like a round, furry ball.我们的猫怀孕时,看上去就像是一个圆鼓鼓、毛绒绒的球。Their relationship looks like it's about to crash and burn.他们的关系看来快要破裂了。They have in their mind a picture of what an alcoholic should look like.他们的心中有一个酒鬼应有的样子。To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。He looked like he was having the time of his life. 他看起来十分开心。It looked like she had sucked her cheeks in for the picture.她看起来像是为了上相而收紧了两颊。We should never have hired Jean, but now it looks like we're stuck with her.我们本来根本不该聘用琼的,但现在看来好像我们只好与她一起共事了。Do you think this dress is too young-looking for me? - I don't want to look like mutton dressed as lamb.这件连衣裙对我来说是不是太年轻了?我可不想装嫩。It looks like they won't be needing us any more.看来他们不再需要我们了。Thomas's death looked like an open-and-shut case of gangland revenge.托马斯死亡案件像一起明显的黑社会报复案件。




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