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词汇 long for
例句 She longed for inner calm.她渴望内在的平静。I longed for the resolution of the dilemma.我盼望着这一困局得到解决。It won't take long for us to get things back the way they were.不用多久,我们就能让这些恢复原貌。The old sailor longed for life ashore.老水手渴望过陆上生活。It was upsetting to have to wait so long for the bus.等这么长时间的公共汽车真让人心焦。The sleeves are too long for me.对我来说,这袖子太长了。She longed for the chance to speak to him in private.她渴望有机会和他私下交谈。Steve longed for the good old days.史蒂夫渴望重度昔日的美好时光。It did not take long for the glory of our victory in the Second World War to rub off.没过多久我们在第二次世界大战中取得胜利的光辉景象就变得暗淡无光了。She was tired of moving around and longed for a more settled existence.她对搬来搬去已经感到厌烦了,很想过一种比较安定的生活。This was the excitement that she had secretly longed for.这种激动的感觉正是她内心深处所默默渴望的。We all long for peace. = We all long to live in peace.我们都渴望和平。It didn't take long for word to get around that Moore was leaving the company.没多久消息就传开了,说穆尔要离开公司。You don't have to wait long for a new passport - 3 weeks is about the maximum.新护照不需要等很长时间—三个星期差不多是最长的了。She longed for her husband to return home.她渴望丈夫早日归来。He tried to keep his intentions well hidden, but it doesn't take too long for people to tumble to him.他企图隐瞒他的意图,但没有多久人们就看穿了他。He hated moving so often and longed for a more settled life.他很讨厌频繁搬家,渴望过更安定的生活。I haven't gassed this long for a year.我已经有一年没有这么长时间聊天了。His grandfather is not long for this world.他爷爷将不久于人世了。It doesn't take long for the party spirit to get going.没过多久,快乐的情绪就传开了。They long for a chance to visit Shanghai.他们渴望有机会访问上海。They had always longed for a home of their own.他们一直都想要拥有一套属于自己的房子。He hated the city and longed for the mountains.他厌恶城市,向往山区。The children longed for a sign of affection or approval from him.孩子们渴望他能有慈爱或赞许的表示。People save all year long for their holidays.人们为了度假整整存了一年钱。She longed for the comforts of home.她渴望获得使家居舒适的各种设备。It didn't take long for news of his resignation to get around.不久,大家就都知道了他辞职的消息。It's bad that you have to wait so long for an appointment.一个约会让你等这么久,这不合理。He longed for the good old days when teachers were shown respect.他向往过去老师受人尊敬的好时光。It didn't take long for us to make the connection between the missing money and our partner's new car.我们很快就发现钱的丢失与我们的合伙人购买新车有关。Her features were too angular, her face a little too long for beauty.她的相貌棱角太突出,脸型有点长,说不上漂亮。I longed for a bar of chocolate, but this was wartime, and such luxuries were not available.我很想吃块巧克力,但这是战争时期,没有这样的奢侈品。Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him.埃莉诺为不得不等他这么长时间而感到很恼火。Steve longed for the good old days.史蒂夫怀念往昔的美好岁月。We've waited this long for the pizza, we might as well stay until it's ready.我们等比萨饼已经等了这么久了,还是接着等吧。Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future.老年人渴望有一个更稳定、更可预见的未来。Congress is being asked to investigate why it took so long for government regulators to shut the plant down.人们要求国会调查政府监管机构为何花了这么长时间才关闭该工厂。He longed for the winter to be over.他企盼冬天早日过去。After being awake for three days straight, he longed for the oblivion of sleep.整整三天没有合眼了,他真希望能美美地睡上一觉。The old days you long for are gone beyond recall.你所怀念的昔日时光已经一去不复返了。




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