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词汇 Liverpool
例句 Liverpool have had it for this season.利物浦队本赛季是输定了。Is it a week's sail from Liverpool to New York?从利物浦坐船到纽约要一星期吗?The vessel docked at Liverpool.船停靠在利物浦。Liverpool is a melting pot of different cultures.利物浦是汇集不同文化的熔炉。Armstrong drove the ball into the Liverpool net.阿姆斯特朗一脚劲射,皮球应声蹿入利物浦队网窝。The local newspaper ran a feature on Liverpool.当地报纸刊登了关于利物浦的特别报道。Liverpool had the last laugh as they went on to win the cup.利物浦队毫不气馁最终赢得奖杯,笑到了最后。Arsenal meet Liverpool in the next round of the Cup.阿森纳队在总杯赛下一回合对阵利物浦队。Liverpool have kept a clean sheet in five of their last six home games.在最近的六场主场比赛中,利物浦队有五场都没有让对方进球。Love brought me to Liverpool and inertia kept me there.爱情把我带到了利物浦,惰性则让我留在了那里。Passengers for Liverpool should change at Crewe.前往利物浦的乘客要在克鲁中转。Despite being in the throes of school exams, Tamsin made the long trek from Liverpool.尽管正在忙于复习考试,塔姆辛还是从利物浦远道赶来了。He was informed of his assignment as vice-consul in Liverpool.他被通知他已被选派为利物浦副领事。When he signs for Liverpool, will he be cup-tied in the Europa League?他签约利物浦队的时候,会不会不能出征欧足联欧洲联赛呢?Fulham took Liverpool to extra time before conceding defeat.富勒姆队一直把利物浦队拖到加时赛才承认失败。It felt weird going back to Liverpool.回到利物浦后,感觉很奇怪。He stowed away on a ferry and landed in Liverpool.他逃票乘渡轮,在利物浦登了岸。For all its faults, Liverpool is a city that you grow to love.利物浦尽管有自身的缺点,但它是个会让你渐渐喜爱的城市。Liverpool appear poised for victory in the championship match.利物浦队好像已经准备好在冠军联赛中取胜了。When the ship docks in Liverpool I'll melt away.我在船抵达利物浦港时下船。The graffiti on the wall said "Liverpool rules OK".满墙都是“利物浦队必胜”的涂鸦文字。British Rail says its new Liverpool Street station is the shape of things to come.英国铁路公司声称最新的利物浦街道车站是未来的发展方向。You can fly direct to Amsterdam from Liverpool.你可以从利物浦直飞阿姆斯特丹。His work has been exhibited regularly at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool.他的作品一直定期在利物浦沃克美术馆展出。A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.我的一个朋友在利物浦队踢过球。Talks went on at the headquarters factory in Liverpool.会谈在利物浦总厂继续进行。A late goal from Owen won the game for Liverpool.欧文在比赛临近结束时的一粒进球令利物浦队赢得了比赛。She was brought up on a council estate in Liverpool.她在利物浦的一个市属住房区长大。His loss would be a crushing blow to Liverpool's title hopes.他的缺阵将是对利物浦队夺冠希望的致命打击。Trains running between Liverpool and Manchester were delayed.往返于利物浦和曼彻斯特之间的火车晚点了。We embarked at Liverpool for New York.我们从利物浦登船,前往纽约。I did an M.A. at Liverpool University in Latin American Studies and got a distinction.我在利物浦大学以优异成绩获得了拉丁美洲研究方向的硕士学位。The Liverpool Metropole is my favourite.利物浦大都会酒店是我最喜爱的酒店。We've played in all the little pubs and dives around Liverpool.我们在利物浦所有的小酒吧和低级夜总会演出过。Liverpool's third goal gave them a commanding lead.利物浦队的第三个进球使他们遥遥领先。Liverpool were back level again two minutes later with a superb goal.两分钟以后,利物浦队精彩地进了一球,又扳平了比分。Manchester was rejected in favour of Liverpool as the new site.曼彻斯特不敌利物浦,没有被选作新的地点。Fortunately for Liverpool, he was able to play.对利物浦队来说幸运的是他可以参加比赛。Liverpool has a certain similarity to Marseilles.利物浦与马赛在某些方面很像。I've supported Liverpool all my life.我一辈子都在支持利物浦队。




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