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词汇 cyclists
例句 Many of the potholes are a danger even to motor vehicles, never mind cyclists.许多坑洼处甚至给机动车都带来了危险,更别提骑自行车的人了。As a motorist, I try to be considerate towards cyclists.作为一名驾车者,我尽量考虑到骑自行车的人。The area is open to cyclists and pedestrians.该区域允许骑自行车者和行人通行。On the descents, cyclists speed past the cars.在下坡道上,自行车手飞驰着超越了一辆辆汽车。All morning, the world's top cyclists have been reconnoitring the course.世界一流的自行车选手整个早上都在勘察赛道。Some cyclists need to tip the nose of the saddle down for comfort.一些自行车骑手需要将车座前半部分放低来保证骑行舒适。The cyclists quickly picked up speed as they headed down the mountain.自行车手们从山上冲下来的时候迅速加快了速度。Both the cyclists were injured.两名自行车手都受伤了。Car horns toot as cyclists dart through the traffic.骑车人在车流中急速穿行,引得汽车喇叭嘟嘟响成一片。He had ridden out of Cambridge, inconspicuous among the hundreds of young cyclists.他已骑车出了剑桥,淹没在几百名年轻的自行车手当中。Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.骑车人危险地在车流中飞速穿行时,汽车喇叭的嘟嘟声响成一片。Ganged around the kiosk were a couple of dozen young cyclists.售货亭周围转悠着二三十个骑自行车的小年轻。Ten minutes later, the rest of the cyclists whizzed past.十分钟后,其余的自行车手疾驰而过。On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.在坡道上,自行车手飞驰着超越了一辆辆汽车,靠着惯性一路疾冲下山。The other cyclists were way behind.其他骑车者远远地落在后面。Most cyclists in London have their bikes stolen eventually.伦敦大多数骑自行车的人车子最后都被偷走了。The path by the railway line is officially out of bounds to both cyclists and walkers.铁路沿线的小路按规定禁止骑车者和步行者进入。Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable on the road.在公路上,行人、骑自行车的人和骑摩托车的人很容易受伤。The law requires cyclists to wear protective headgear.法律规定骑车人应戴头盔。Britain's roads are a danger to cyclists.英国的道路对骑自行车的人来说十分危险。The lack of heat was an attraction for cyclists.凉爽是吸引骑车人的一个原因。In some countries, wearing helmets is mandatory for all cyclists.有些国家规定骑自行车者必须戴头盔。It's a danger to motor vehicles, never mind cyclists.这对机动车都很危险,更别提骑自行车的人了。Many cyclists ignore the law and ride around at night without lights.很多骑自行车的人漠视法规,晚上不开车灯骑着车到处跑。The series of steep hills sapped the cyclists' strength.一连串的陡峭山坡耗尽了骑车人的气力。A group of cyclists passed us, pedalling energetically up the hill.一群自行车手从我们身边经过,有力地蹬着踏板往山上骑去。Wearing helmets gave cyclists a false sense of security and encouraged them to take risks.戴头盔给骑自行车的人一种错误的安全感,怂恿他们去冒险。




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