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词汇 cycles
例句 She cycles for recreation.她骑自行车是为了消遣。Ms Mann is working with young offenders and trying to break cycles of offending.曼女士正在从事帮助少年犯的工作,试图打破犯罪的恶性循环。The washing machine gurgled as it changed cycles.洗衣机换方向旋转的时候发出汩汩的水声。The machine cycles automatically.这台机器自动循环运转。Some volcanoes have eruptive cycles followed by stretches of dormancy.有些火山在喷发周期之后有持续的静止时期。The company manufactures a range of innovative light-weight cycles.这家公司生产一系列的新型轻便自行车。She cycles to work every day.她每天骑自行车上班。We have to wait for the dishwasher's wash and dry cycles to end.我们得等到洗碗机完成清洗和烘干过程。The water cycles back into/through the system.水又流回系统中/通过系统流回。The two discs also contain two of Britten's lesser-known song-cycles.这两张唱片还包含了布里顿两首不甚知名的声乐套曲。Economic life moves in cycles of peaks and troughs.经济活动在高峰和低谷循环交替。Timber owners have often produced lumber at a loss and survived these down cycles in demand.木材商经常亏本生产木料,艰难度过木材需求的低谷期。




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