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词汇 little boat
例句 The wind chopped about and the little boat nearly sank.风向变化无定,小船差点儿给弄沉了。We descried the little boat two miles away.我们望见两英里外的小船。We paddled a little boat in the West Lake.我们在西湖里荡一叶小舟。The little boat was swept out to sea.小船被卷入大海。One day I'll buy myself a little boat and go sailing off into the blue.总有一天我会给自己买条小船,驾着它驶向远方。The young couple paddled a little boat leisurely on the river.那对年轻夫妇在河上悠闲地划著一条小船。The little boat was tossed roughly by the waves.海浪使小船猛烈地摇晃着。Our little boat started shipping water.我们的小船舷侧开始进水。The little boat limped slowly towards the shore.那条小船缓慢地向岸边靠近。The little boat was reeling on the surging sea.小船在波涛汹涌的海上颠簸不止。The little boat canted over in the storm.小船在暴风雨中倾覆了。The wind rounded out the sails as the little boat rushed along.小船驶得飞快,风将船帆吹得鼓鼓的。That little boat rowed in slowly.那条小船慢慢地划进来了。Jimmy was playing with a little boat in the bathtub.吉米在浴缸玩着一艘小船。The little boat rolled down the river,with the wind behind it.小船借着风在后面的推动,顺流而下。The waves swallowed up the little boat.波浪吞没了小船。The high waves rolled the little boat from side to side.巨浪使小船左右摇晃。The little boat nosed carefully between the rocks.小船在礁石间小心翼翼地穿行。The sail of the little boat swung crazily from one side to the other.小船的帆猛烈地左右摇摆着。The little boat was skimming across the sunlit surface of the bay.一叶小舟正轻轻掠过阳光下的海湾。The tempest raved and threatened to tear the little boat to pieces.暴风雨肆虐,几乎要把小船撕成碎片。I shall get myself a little boat and sail her around the world.我要去搞条小船,驾着它周游世界。The little boat was buffeted mercilessly by the waves.海浪无情地拍打着小船。




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