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词汇 listen
例句 Don't listen to him - he's just an old worrywart.别听他的——他只是个杞人忧天的老家伙。Why do not you come over to my place? We can listen to some records and shoot the breeze.你何不来我这儿?我们可以边听唱片边闲聊。Sh! You want to listen or don't you?嘘!你到底想不想听啊?She cocked her head to listen.她竖起耳朵听。I'm not prepared to listen to this sort of thing.我不愿听这种事情。I wish you'd shut up for a moment and listen to what the rest of us have to say.我希望你能闭上嘴巴安静一会儿,听听我们其他人说什么。Managers who want two-way communication with their staff must be prepared to listen to what they have to say.经理人员若希望与员工之间建立双向交流,就必须有心理准备,聆听他们实在想说的一些话。Don't listen to him; he's mental.别听他的话,他疯了。You're a powerful man — people will listen to you.你是有影响力的人,大家会听你的。If only she'd listen to what he's saying, I'm sure they could solve the problem.要是她肯听他的话,我肯定他们能够解决这个问题。A lot of people tend to listen to the radio in the mornings.许多人喜欢在早上听广播。The judge refused to listen to their pleas.法官拒绝听信他们的辩解。Don't listen to that nut. He's cracked.不要听那疯子的话,他很疯狂。I asked him to stop but he would not listen.我让他停下,但是他不听。Of course I'll listen to what she has to say but at the end of the day, it's my decision.当然她要说什么我也会听,但最终还是我来作决定。His brag was tiresome to listen to.他的自吹自擂听得人厌烦。We had to listen to a long list of complaints.我们只得听取一长串的抱怨。You must try to listen to both points of view and not be partisan.你必须设法听取双方的观点,不可偏听。The government needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans.政府应该听取美国中产阶级的呼声。Will you please stop talking and listen to me!你们不要讲话,听我说好不好!I find it amazing that anyone should want to listen to such rubbish.我觉得很惊讶,竟然有人想听这种废话。Don't listen to unsound advice.别去听无根据的劝告。If you'd only listen for half a minute, I could explain everything.只要你愿意听一小会儿,我就会把一切都解释清楚的。We had to listen to the same old tired excuses again.我们只好又听了一遍那些老掉牙的借口。It's no good telling him – he won't listen.跟他说没有用 — 他不会听的。It's pleasing to listen to.它听着令人愉快。Before crossing the road, stop, look, and listen.过马路之前要先停下,看一看,再听一听。There's no point in even attempting an explanation - he'll never listen.试图去解释是毫无意义的——他根本不会听。Don't listen to their guff about wanting to see you again.别听他们的什么希望再见到你的鬼话。Don't listen to his half-baked ideas.不要听他那思虑不周详的主意。When I asked him to stop, he would not listen.我叫他停下,可他不听。We listen to our employees and value their input.我们倾听员工的声音,重视他们提供的信息。He was ever ready to enunciate his views to all who would listen.他总是乐意向所有愿意倾听的人阐明他的观点。He seemed willing enough to listen.他似乎很乐意听。People can't write and listen simultaneously.人无法同时听和写。We all begged him not to drive in the storm, but he wouldn't listen to us.我们大家都求他不要在暴风雨天开车,可他就是不听。The general is too opinionated to listen to anyone else.这位将军太固执己见而听不进别人的意见。The directions are complicated so listen up.指示很复杂,所以要注意听。You'd better listen to me, kid, because I'm not going to say this twice.小子,给我好好听着,因为我是不会说第二遍的。They tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen.他们尽量和他讲道理,但是他不听。




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