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词汇 buttoned
例句 He buttoned his overcoat with his free hand.他用闲着的那只手扣上大衣的扣子。Anna buttoned up her lip, as Bessie would have called it.安娜把嘴闭上了,正如贝茜会说的那样。He had his shirt buttoned.他扣上了衬衫的扣子。She was wearing a thin cotton dress that buttoned down the front.她穿着一件前系扣的棉布薄裙。It was freezing out there even in his buttoned-up overcoat.外面非常冷,即使穿上大衣扣上扣子也不顶事。He buttoned himself into the raincoat.他穿上雨衣扣好扣子。She buttoned her cardigan up all the way to her neck.她把羊毛衫一直扣到脖子。Don't tell him what I said, please. You know he can't keep his lips buttoned.请别告诉他我说的话。你知道他是存不住话的。Stone buttoned up his heavy jacket.斯通扣上他那件厚厚的夹克。Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat.弗格森站起来把外套扣子系好。The operations of the secret agents were tightly buttoned.谍报员们的行动受到严密的监督。He buttoned the flower inside his jacket next his heart.他把花紧贴胸部,扣在上衣里边。He zipped/buttoned his fly.他把裤子的拉链拉上了/前裆扣上了。He rolled down his sleeves and buttoned the cuffs.他捋下袖子,扣上袖口的纽扣。I adjusted my tie and buttoned up my coat.我正了一下领带并扣上外套。It was cold and his coat was completely buttoned up.天气寒冷,他的外套扣子全都扣上了。His jacket was buttoned up right to the neck.他的夹克纽扣一直扣到脖子处。He buttoned his collar tightly round his thick neck.他把衣领的扣子扣上,紧紧地裹住了他的粗脖子。She buttoned her jacket all the way up and pulled the collar tight around her neck.她把外套上的纽扣由下往上全扣好,并把衣领拉紧围住脖子。He was tightly buttoned in a dark suit.他穿一套扣得紧紧的深色服装。She is so quiet and buttoned-up.她是那么沉静寡言。That's another job buttoned-up.又一项工作顺利完成了。Keep your lip buttoned about this.对此事你们要把嘴闭紧。He buttoned the shirt up to his neck.他把衬衣扣子直扣到颈部。The young man slipped on the shirt and buttoned it up.年轻人套上衬衫,把扣子系好。I buttoned up my coat; it was chilly.我扣上了外套的扣子;天气很冷。The coat was buttoned up wrong.外衣纽扣扣错了。




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