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词汇 butterfly
例句 The cat made a dab at the butterfly with its paw.猫用爪子朝蝴蝶拍了一下。A close examination of the butterfly showed that it had four wings.仔细察看蝴蝶发现它有两对翅膀。It is not difficult to ~ a butterfly from a moth.区别蝴蝶和飞蛾并不难。Each butterfly had been photographed in close-up so that you could see every detail.每只蝴蝶拍的都是特写,可以看到每一个细节部分。A butterfly disported itself among the flowers.一只蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩嬉戏。A cocoon is an intermediary stage between caterpillar and butterfly.茧是毛虫化为蝴蝶的一个中间阶段。A butterfly alighted on her hat.一只蝴蝶落在了她的帽子上。There are three phases in the lifecycle of a butterfly.蝴蝶的生命周期要经历三个阶段。The butterfly is an innocent insect.蝴蝶是一种无害的昆虫。The butterfly is black and white with a blue stripe running down each wing.这蝴蝶黑白相间,每只翅膀纵贯着一道蓝色条纹。She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo.她戴着一副蝶形眼镜,顶着一头蜂窝式发型。The butterfly's sole food plant is wild lupine.这种蝴蝶的唯一食用植物是野生羽扇豆。This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country.这种蝴蝶在我国分布很广。I could never do the butterfly.我就是不会蝶泳。This species of satyr butterfly was found only in a small area of the mid-Atlantic region of the United States.只有在美国中大西洋地区的一小片地区才找到了这种眼蝶蝴蝶。The caterpillar eventually changes into a beautiful butterfly.毛毛虫最终变成了美丽的蝴蝶。The colour patterns of a butterfly wing might adorn a summer print dress.蝶翼的彩色图案可使夏季的印花女服鲜艳倍增。He has got a butterfly mind, always skimming over things, not stopping to understand.他见异思迁,遇事总是浮光掠影,不求甚解。A butterfly emerged in its full splendour a week later.一周之后蝴蝶破茧而出,绚丽夺目。A butterfly landed on the flower.一只蝴蝶落在花上。They competed in the butterfly.他们在蝶泳比赛中同场竞技。She's such a social butterfly!她是一个如此易变的交际花!The larva of a butterfly is called a caterpillar.蝴蝶的幼虫被称为毛毛虫。Scientists have discovered a new type of butterfly which has not yet been classified.科学家发现了一种新的蝴蝶,目前尚未归类。The caterpillar is the larva of the butterfly.毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。The butterfly emerged from the pupa.蝴蝶由蛹孵化而出。Soon the skin of the pupa splits open, and the fully-formed adult butterfly emerges.不久,蛹皮裂开,完全成形的蝴蝶成虫破蛹而出。Is that a butterfly or a moth?那是蝴蝶还是飞蛾? His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。The little brown caterpillar will eventually turn into a beautiful butterfly.这条棕色的小毛虫最后会变成一只漂亮的蝴蝶。A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。




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