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例句 The students are listed alphabetically by last name.学生的名字是按姓氏的字母顺序排列的。My name is listed after yours.我的名字列在你的名字之后。He listed the required qualifications for the job.他列出了这个岗位需求的资质。Most of the plants listed are hardy and adaptable to most soils.这里列出的大部分植物都耐寒且能适应大多数土壤类型。Your name is listed before mine.你的名字排在我之前。I've listed some useful reading material on the handout.我在发给大家的讲义上列出了一些有用的阅读材料。It's listed among the ingredients on the package.它是包装盒上列出的成分之一。Mother listed the items she wanted to buy before Christmas.母亲把圣诞节前要买的东西开了张单子。The animal has been listed as endangered/threatened.这种动物已被列为濒危物种。A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.一位发言人以事不关己的、就事论事的声调读出死者名单。Both companies are listed on the Stock Exchange.两家公司均在证券交易所上市。Some of the things in the shop were not listed in the inventory.店里有些商品没有列在存货清单上。The case was listed for trial in the Crown Court.这个案子被列入了刑事法庭的审理名单。Books for more advanced students are listed separately.供高级程度学生使用的书是单独开列的。In the petition, the students listed their many grievances against the university administration.学生们在请愿书上大吐苦情,矛头直指大学的管理层。The pupils listed their favourite sports.小学生们把他们最喜欢的体育运动列出来。I feel reasonably optimistic about getting short-listed.我对自己被列入最后候选人名单尚感乐观。Articles are listed and alphabetized by author and then by title.文章先按照作者姓名、再按照标题字母顺序排列。The last number you called is listed on the phone's display panel.你最后拨的电话号码列在电话显示屏上。The price listed is quite high, but the seller might be willing to bargain.价格标得相当高,不过卖家可能愿意讲价。Hirth, listed on the masthead as publisher, wrote several articles in each issue.赫斯在出版信息栏内被列为出版人,他每期都亲自写几篇文章。She was long-listed for the senior team last year.她去年被列入了一线队初选名单。The case is listed to be heard next week.该案已被列出供下周审理。The names are listed in alphabetical order.姓名是以字母顺序排列的。His book is a massive concordance, whereby each poem Auden wrote is listed, described and explained.他的书是一部庞大的语词索引,其中奥登写的每一首诗都被列出,并加以描述和解释。I listed my likes and dislikes.我把自己喜欢的和不喜欢的都列了出来。She listed the names in quick/rapid succession.她迅速地罗列出姓名。I've listed the tasks in order of priority.我已按轻重缓急列出了任务清单。Their number is not listed.他们的电话号码未列入电话簿中。All ingredients are listed right on the package.包装盒上就标出了所有成分。He was listed as MIA.他被列为战斗失踪人员。She was long-listed for the senior team.她被列入了一线队初选名单。She listed her favorite restaurants in order of preference.她按喜爱程度列出她中意的餐厅。The kings are listed in historical order.国王名字是按历史顺序排列的。The report listed their names in order of seniority.报告按资历排行顺序列出了他们的姓名。That lamp isn't listed on the inventory.那盏灯没列在清单上。The states are listed in descending order of population size.各州按照人口由多到少的顺序排列。The painting is listed in an inventory of his complete works.这幅画列在他全部作品的目录之中。The measurements are listed in both inches and centimeters.尺寸以英寸和厘米两种单位列出。Dates must be listed in strict chronological order.日期必须严格按时间顺序排列。




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