例句 |
A fox's natural lifespan could be ten years.狐狸的正常寿命可达十年。Some test animals lived about twice their normal lifespan.有些实验动物的生存期约有它们正常寿命的两倍。Men have a shorter lifespan than women.男性的平均寿命比女性短。Most pop groups have a very short lifespan.绝大部分的流行乐队存在时间很短。A pair of tights has the lifespan of a mayfly.紧身裤袜的使用期极短。This job had a planned lifespan of five years.这个职位的有效期计划为五年。Saltwater fish have a shorter lifespan in the aquarium.咸水鱼养在水族箱里会缩短寿命。They have extended the potential lifespan of humanity everywhere.它们已经延长了各地人们的潜在寿命。 |