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词汇 liberated
例句 Allied armies liberated France from the Nazis.盟军把法国从纳粹手里解放了出来。They made a triumphal march into their liberated city.他们以胜利者的姿态挺进亲手解放的城市。Those soldiers liberated the turkeys and the geese.那些兵把火鸡和鹅劫掠一空。Feminism may have liberated the feminists, but it has still to change the lives of the majority of women.女性运动也许解放了女权主义者,但尚未改变大多数女性的生活。Soldiers liberated the hostages from their captors.士兵们将人质从绑匪手中解救出来。He was using materials that he had liberated from a construction site.他在用从建筑工地偷回来的材料。She was determined that she would become a liberated businesswoman.她下定决心做一个思想解放的女实业家。Excuse me, but I rather think you've liberated my matches.对不起,我想你好像拿走了我的火柴。She's chosen career advancement instead of having children - does that make her a liberated woman?她没有去生儿育女,而是选择了走职业道路——她这样做是否就成了一位思想解放的女性?Though liberated in many respects, she will marry no man who is on a social level lower than her own.她虽然在许多方面思想解放,但她却不愿意跟一个比她社会地位低的男人结婚。She liberated those spoons from a restaurant last week.上周她从一家餐馆偷了那些勺子。A few days later, our armies liberated the city.几天以后,我军解放了这座城市。She liberated herself from the kitchen.她把自己从锅灶边解放出来。All the gas is liberated on boiling.沸腾时气体全部释放出来了。The Shining Path established a liberated zone in the Canipaco Valley.光辉道路组织在卡尼帕克山谷建立过一个解放区。




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