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Disloyal Conservatives were welcomed into the Liberal Party.不忠诚的保守党人加入自由党受到了欢迎。He has been a staunch supporter of the Liberal Party for over thirty years.三十多年来,他一直是自由党的坚定支持者。On day one of the election campaign the National and Liberal Party leaders were neck and neck.从大选开始第一天起,国家党同自由党的领导人就一直并驾齐驱,不分上下。The Liberal Party has won control of the legislative assembly.自由党获得了立法议会的控制权。The Liberal Party has lost its grip on power.自由党失去了对权力的控制。The current Liberal Party has no actual experience of government.现任自由党没有实际的治国经验。The Liberal Party of Australia has now left any pretence to true liberalism far behind.如今,澳大利亚自由党已经把曾经标榜的真正的自由主义抛到九霄云外。He will challenge Sinclair for the leadership of the Liberal Party.他将挑战辛克莱在自由党中的领导地位。 |